On Wed, Oct 8, 2008 at 9:03 AM, Florian Bilek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I have established a CTC connection between the systems. This connection has
> one CTC address on each side used in the ACTIVATE ISLINK.
> When I look now to the Query ISLINK command, it is mentioned there "duplex
> links".  Can somebody please explain me what duplex links are? Is this
> simply another ACTIVATE ISLINK with the next higher UA?

The single CTC connection carries traffic both ways. You activate it
on both sides and that's it. It does not need a pair of devices.

> Another question: Is it necessary to regularily check if the ISLINK is up or
> is the system trying to reactivate a link?

If the other system went away, CP still has the link active and picks
up when its friend is back. If you put the ACTIVATE somewhere in the
startup of the system, things tend to work just fine. If you run PROP,
then PROPCHK can do a periodic availability check. If you also run
RSCS you can issue the remote command to start the link if you need.
This is more relevant when you have >3 systems connected and want
specific links to be active during an outage of one of the systems.


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