zvm 5.3 is really stable system. If you would plan to go to 5.4, I could understand your mangement, because it's really new. 5.3 has major improvements on e. g. vswitch (link aggregation for example). So I would run the new systems on 5.3 or do you have problems with "most of your other systems"?

kind regards
Franz Josef Pohlen

O'Brien, Dennis L schrieb:
Is anyone running z/VM 5.2.0 on a z10?  I know it's supported (with
PTF's).  I want to know if customers are actually running it.  My
management wants us to build some new systems to host Linux guests on
z/VM 5.2.0, even though most of our other systems are on 5.3.0.  They
want stability, and one of the ways they attempt to get stability is by
staying behind and hoping other sites will find problems first.  I'm
concerned that if we're the only ones running the combination of z/VM
5.2.0 and z10, that we will find those problems first.

                                                       Dennis O'Brien

We are Borg of America.  You will be assimilated.  Resistance is futile.

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