> Before anyone gets *too* carried away, understand that zAAPs and zIIPs
> for z/OS workloads only.  You can't IPL on them and CMS-MT won't
> any work on them.

My point was to find a way to make use of them that might open the way
to making them useful to VM work. It would obviously require IBM to
permit them to be used by non-z/OS workload if it were to happen. 

> I don't understand your comment about UP and master processor w.r.t.
> CMS-MT.  Nothing in MT is partial to the master processor, and it is
> application's use of non-MT parts of CMS (i.e. a CMS command) that
> UP-style serialization.

To use most existing CMS services, you run into the fact that most of
them are not MP-friendly, and some still need a master processor (rare
but still present, as Dennis found out recently). This pretty much makes
using existing bits of CMS not very helpful for a truly multitasking
environment (thus the comment about having to reimplement a lot of

Never mind. I have enough things to worry about at the moment, and a
Java OS isn't high on my list of things to do. 

-- db

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