Thanks Alan,
After spending some time last night I found some processess, like you suggest 
below, which are run daily on our system to drag output from z/VM Rexx execs 
over to z/OS.
Thanks again...

>>> Alan Altmark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 12/5/2008 9:34 AM >>>
On Thursday, 12/04/2008 at 06:54 EST, Howard Rifkind 
> I'm running exec X on cms user 'A' 
> I exec X has to start exec Y running on cms user 'B' and after exec Y 
> terminates it has to return control to the exec on cms user 'A'
> I could use some suggestions as to the best way to do this.

If you're on the same VM system, REXEC is the best way to do that, 
assuming that user 'B' is not already logged on.  REXEC has all the 
function to autolog a user, run a command, watch the console for output, 
send the output back to user A (as output from the 'rexec' command, 
trappable by a Pipe), and then logoff the user B.  Use LOGON BY support so 
that User A doesn't have to know User B's password, just his own.  (You 
can't do it using rexec without authentication.  Well, you can, but then 
anyone could run the program in User B, not just User A.)

If you're not on the same system, life gets more difficult since rexec 
isn't appropriate for open network connections as it isn't encrypted.  One 
might be tempted to rexec into a local Linux guest that uses ssh to reach 
the remote system and use rexec over there, piping the response all the 
way back to you.

This all assumes you're not wanting to write a remote execution solution 
yourself. If you do, just remember that you will need some sort of 
authentication and authorization.

Alan Altmark
z/VM Development
IBM Endicott

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