On 12/8/08 11:50 AM, "Alan Altmark" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On a related note, keep an eye out for our FlashCopy SE (Space Efficient)
> support coming to a theater near you in time for Christmas.  It will make
> this and a lot of other disk-related activities easier:
> - Copies that only contain changes (h/w-based union mount)
> - Ability to throw away the changes with a single command
> - Instantaneous copies useful when you want to backup the volume, but
> without the time delay and consumption of disk storage that you would have
> with 'traditional' FlashCopy.
> - The ability to specify a new label when you FlashCopy a volume (also
> available with traditional FlashCopy)
> - And more...

How does it do vs silent E, or capital T? 8-)

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