I want to put rundate as a line, the value of Interval log a as the
next line then the values from 'PIPE VMC ' where ' USER  | all /CICS/ !
/DOSVSE/ ! /COMP/'  into one file, how would I do that?

This is what I have:

rundate = date(weekday)                                 
say rundate                                                       
    parse arg where                                               
    if where = '' then where = 'PERFSVM '                         
'PIPE VMC ' where ' USER  | all /Interval' ,                      
       '| specs 35-65 1',                                         
       '| >> INTERVAL LOG A '                                     
'PIPE VMC ' where ' USER  | all /CICS/ ! /DOSVSE/ ! /COMP/' ,     
    '| specs 1-16 1',                                             
         '| >> CPUUTIL LOG A '                                    

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