Grab the INTERVAL in one segment of the pipe and whatever doesn't match g
to a second segment to grab the machine names. 

(not tested so there may be some typos)

rundate = date(weekday)                
say rundate                     
    parse arg where                  
    if where = '' then where = 'PERFSVM '          
'PIPE (endchar ?) VMC ' where ' USER' ,
       '| a: all /Interval' ,               
       '| specs 35-65 1',                

       '| >> INTERVAL LOG A ',
       '?' ,   
       'a:' ,
       '| all /CICS/ ! /DOSVSE/ ! /COMP/' ,     
       '| specs 1-16 1',                 
       '| >> CPUUTIL LOG A '               

/Tom Kern

On Fri, 12 Dec 2008 15:14:29 -0600, Wilson, Roger
<> wrote:

> I want to put rundate as a line, the value of Interval log a as the
>next line then the values from 'PIPE VMC ' where ' USER  | all /CICS/ !
>/DOSVSE/ ! /COMP/'  into one file, how would I do that?
>This is what I have:
>rundate = date(weekday)                
>say rundate                     
>    parse arg where                  
>    if where = '' then where = 'PERFSVM '         
>'PIPE VMC ' where ' USER  | all /Interval' ,          
>       '| specs 35-65 1',                

>       '| >> INTERVAL LOG A '               
>'PIPE VMC ' where ' USER  | all /CICS/ ! /DOSVSE/ ! /COMP/' ,    
>    '| specs 1-16 1',                 
>         '| >> CPUUTIL LOG A '              

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