On Fri, 12 Dec 2008 03:18:47 +0000, Chip Davis <c...@aresti.com> wrote:

>This is a minor problem in the overall scheme of things but I have 
noticed it
>occurring with greater frequency lately.
>It appears that sometimes members of a discussion list will initiate a 

new topic
>by simply replying to a recent posting and changing the 'Subject:' line.
>is a handy shortcut to avoid entering a 'To:' line.
>Unfortunately for those of us who get and archive massive amounts of 
>list postings, this "reply" will appear to be a strand of the original
>discussion thread, despite the different 'Subject:' line.  And that 
>screws up the poor topic threader on mail clients sophisticated enough t
have one.
>The result is that such topic threads are now totally invisible when 
viewed in a
>threaded mail reader or file manager.  And yes, I know that listserver 

>are available but I do a lot of my work with custom Rexx tools on a loca
>archive, or while offline.  (Right now, I'm in a camper outside of a 
>factory in rural north Florida.  Dial-up's what I got, wi-fi's merely a 

>I suspect most folks are unaware of this issue.  It really should be 
added to
>the listserver netiquette guide along with "trim your quotes", "avoid lo
>siglines", and "never annoy Chuckie" (I'm sure that one's in there; if 

not it
>should be added too. :-)
>Thanks for your cooperations, and we now return you to your regularly 

>-Chip Davis-

I’ve seen that in other mailing lists and wondered why it happened. I 

don’t actually know what you are talking about, though. I am going to h
a hard time behaving in ways that you think are polite if I don’t know 

what it is I may be doing wrong.

How is the list threading by your client?

I read this list at http://listserv.uark.edu/archives/ibmvm.html. It 
appears to be threaded there by Subject line, with some allowance for 
headings such at “Re”. It occasionally splits a thread though, perhap
because of a misspelling or a trailing space.

Alan Ackerman                    
Alan (dot) Ackerman (at) Bank of America (dot) com       

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