> And if you don't have FLASHCOPY, use DDR starting at cylinder 1 and
> afterwards use CPFMTXA to label and allocate cylinder 0 appropriately,
> (which is a good reason *not* to use cylinder 0 on spool volumes since it
> would preclude doing this).
> Note that if you don't clone cylinder 0, CPFMTXA  is not sufficient for:
- the disk containing the active CP directory (usually the resident)
  But, you need to run DIRECTXA anyhow, and that will fix this issue
- the disk you IPL from, it contains SAPL, not recreated by CPFMTXA
  One needs to run SALIPL to rewrite SAPL with the appropriate parameters
- a disk that contains a standalone dump program (rarely used but...)
And, when running CPFMTXA to set the label and allocmap, one may make errors
in the allocation cylinder numbers.  To avoid this, I'd run like this:
- DDR cyl 1 to end
- DDR cyl 0
- Run ICKDSF or CPFMTXA to change the label.

Kris Buelens,
IBM Belgium, VM customer support

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