Dear all,

Due to historical reasons we run our host systems on local time (CET/CETS =
EAST +1h/+2h). Well, all the years this served well but due to some services
that require UTC we have to change now to UTC. In a first stage we would
like to run only those services necessary with UTC.

In order to carefully test our applications we are using z/VM and the VTOD
feature were we can simulate the test systems (z/OS and z/LINUX) the switch
of the hardware clock to UTC. This works but for the operating staff it is
quite a nightmare.

What I mean is that we have to define a Reference time that is exactly 1
hour from the system time. There we face following issues:

1.)   The SET VTOD command does not accept parameters such as current time
-1h. This is quite problematic since we will always have a small difference
from the hardware clock depending how exactly the operator entering the time
and hits enter.

 2.)   To use this time for the MSGPROCs and GUESTmachines we defined a User
called GMTETR that is nothing doing except setting the time and run as time
source. Unfortunately, since the SET VTOD makes a system reset, this user
drops after the command to CP READ and after some time it seems to be logged
off from the system. This is quite annoying. We tried CONCEAL option in
order to REIPL the GMTETR machine but nothing is happening.

I would like to ask two questions:

How can we set a time difference of exactly one/two hours from the hardware

What can be done that the GMTETR is not forced from the system?

Thank you in advance,

Kind regards,


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