On Tuesday, 03/10/2009 at 11:50 EDT, Marcy Cortes 
<marcy.d.cor...@wellsfargo.com> wrote:
> We've had a lot of success with the ESPs.
> I'm know a few others here have too.


Are you bored?  Are you out of sorts?  Do you feel you're in a rut, just 
running the same old system the same old way every day?  Do you find 
yourself wanting more, wondering "Is this all there is?"  If so, the z/VM 
Early Support Program (ESP) may be for you!

z/VM Development is always on the lookout for clients who
(a) Are expanding their use of z/VM
(b) Enjoy playing with shiny new objects
(c) Don't get upset if the object is shiny only on one side
(d) Don't mind (too much) if they come back tomorrow and find that the 
shiny side has moved or developed an unexpected aroma
(e) Have the desire (mgmt and sysprog) and capacity (machine and people) 
to commit to such a relationship with IBM
(f) Are willing to put (some part of) their production workload on pre-GA 
software to exploit new functions in z/VM.  Note that "production" cuts a 
rather wide swath.  Some clients' test systems are almost as busy handling 
business app development and test as the production servers are!
(g) (Hopefully) Like to speak publicly about how the new software helped 
their business
(h) Aren't shy about saying what they think
(i) Don't talk in their sleep
(j) Are good at keeping lists
(k) Are careful when replying to private e-mail not to send it to the 
mailing list

We are particularly interested, as you might imagine, in those who have a 
deep business interest in the ability to move a a Linux virtual machine 
from one instance of z/VM to another without stopping it.  Those who would 
like to replace a homegrown multisystem automated 
shutdown-here-restart-there infrastructure may be particularly interested.

If you believe they have value to add to a z/VM Early Support Program, 
please contact our ESP coordinator, Keri Borrego, kborrego at us.ibm.com. 
Just to forewarn you, Keri will not reveal details about z/VM development 
plans without legal agreements in place and that means your management 
must be aware. (Please, no comments about using "management" and "aware" 
in the same sentence.) So if you're not really able to participate, just 
take the blue pill and forget you ever saw this.  ;-)

Alan Altmark
z/VM Development
IBM Endicott

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