On Thu, Mar 19, 2009 at 12:48 AM, Schuh, Richard <rsc...@visa.com> wrote:
> No. I have not figured out how to use READ to do what I want. So far, I
> have succeeded only in getting the command line stacked; none of the
> file lines, changed or not. So how is it done?

When you issue the READ you get control back when the user hits an AID
key. At that point there's one line stacked for each change on the
screen. You can decide whether XEDIT should update the file being
edited or not. When you have processed the stacked lines, you issue
another READ until you have seen the signal to terminate (eg PFK 3).

Try something like this to see what happens:
/* */
address command 'PIPE stack | cons'


Warning: READ used to be a NOP when there is a line stacked when it is
invoked. I don't see it mentioned anymore in the notes, so it may have
been fixed. It was a very popular cause for such applications to get
into a loop.

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