That sounds good although I know Suleiman doesn't have a WAKEUP/VMUTIL machine 
running. He would need to set one up and test it.

-----Original Message-----
From: The IBM z/VM Operating System []on Behalf 
Of Scott Rohling
Sent: Tuesday, April 07, 2009 5:04 PM
Subject: Re: Creating two logs from an exec

I'll propose another change - but it depends on what type of automation you set 
up.  Rather than dedicating a VM userid to run this CPU monitor -- I would 
probably implement it under an existing userid (like VMUTIL) that is already 
running, waiting to do scheduled events.  (In fact I do have things like this 
already running that do simple checking/alerting via VMUTIL)

In that case - rather than a 'Do Forever' loop -- you would simply execute 
what's contained in that loop once, minus the CP SLEEP, and exit.   You let the 
caller do the waiting (hopefully via WAKEUP rather than SLEEP) and call the 
EXEC at the desired intervals.

So..   let's call this CPULOG  (thanks David Juarez ;-) -- and add an option:


The option ONCE indicates we don't loop forever and we don't sleep - but we do 
all the other logic and write values to files.

Take this a step further in terms of sending the file.  Rather than hardcoding 
a time check and the recipients of the report:


The option SEND indicates that today's (or yesterdays??) file(s) be sent via 
SENDFILE to the recipients listed after SEND and we just exit -- forget about 
any of the other logic that checks CPU values.

The objective here is to make it unnecessary to hard code things into the EXEC 
and provide ways (from a scheduler or other userid) to invoke CPULOG, rather 
than dedicating a userid to sit and spin running it forever - SLEEPing 99.2% of 
the time.

I'll code up the above options - but wanted some input first, since we're on a 


On Tue, Apr 7, 2009 at 2:34 PM, Suleiman Shahin <> wrote:

Kool again!

I will still be listening

Thanks so much!

Suleiman Shahin



Subject: Re: Creating two logs from an exec


Good point!   So change the 'ERASE' statements to:


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