The second quarter meeting of the Chicago Area VM (and Linux) Enthusiasts will be held on Thursday, April 23, 2009.


Meeting Location:

This quarter's meeting will be held at the Hewitt Associates 'East Campus' located at 100 Half Day Road, in Lincolnshire, IL. We will meet in the Lower Level Conference Room in Building 98.

If you have not attended a meeting at this location before, or you are not familiar with the area, <>Click here for additional information on directions, maps, lodging and dining.



We would like to request a count of expected attendees by the Monday before the meeting, so that we may plan appropriately for arranging the facilities, and for refreshments and lunch, should one of the vendors wish to provide them. If you are planning to attend, PLEASE send an E-Mail by that date to <> with a subject line of "Meeting Attendance".

This is meant to be a facilities planning aid and should not be interpreted as a registration requirement. If you suddenly become available at the last minute, please feel free to attend even if you have not responded.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation in this matter.


Meeting Agenda:

9:00 AM Automating Operations on z/VM and Linux on System z using IBM Operations Manager for z/VM

In this session, we'll dive into the details of automation using Operations Manager for z/VM, including console viewing, console message trapping, scheduling, spool monitoring, system event monitoring, etc. Live demos will show: * How to automatically take action based on messages on z/VM service machines, on Linux guest consoles, and in Linux syslog data * How to view and interact with live consoles and the system log, for both monitoring and debugging purposes
   * How to monitor and manage spool file usage
   * How to respond to system events
   * How to schedule one-time or recurring events
The speaker will be Tracy Dean of the IBM Corporation.

10:30 AM        Coffee Break

11:00 AM Backing Up and Restoring z/VM and Linux guest data using IBM Backup and Restore Manager for z/VM

In this session, we'll discuss and demo the various levels of backup and restore capabilities available in Backup and Restore Manager for z/VM. The speaker will cover product installation requirements, configuration tips, and overall product structure. In addition, live demos will show various options for backing up a z/VM system and its Linux guests, including automation of the process using Operations Manager for z/VM.

The speaker will be Tracy Dean of the IBM Corporation.

12:30 PM        Lunch Break

1:30 PM         Administration and Vendor Announcements

1:45 PM         Mainframe Virtualization and Linux - CA's Strategy

This presentation covers CA's Strategy for Linux on System z and its development priorities. The presentation will also discuss common customer challenges and how they are being addressed by CA, as well as other virtualization and Linux topics.

The speaker will be Milt Whitham of CA, Inc.

3:15 PM         Coffee Break and Prize Drawing

3:30 PM         VM:Operator r3 Update

This presentation will introduce new features provided with CA VM:Operator r3 (Beta Program under way). This release delivers many significant enhancements to VM:Operator, including infrastructure changes that permit use of TCP/IP. Two significant features that were added to VM:Operator and leverage this new capability are LINUX SYSLOGD and Remote VM:Operator Support. This session will also discuss several other enhancements which were made in response to customer requests.

The speaker will be Brian Jagos of CA, Inc.

4:45 PM         Free-for-All

Members will attempt to answer any reasonable VM or hardware related questions. If you are having a problem and want to find out if others are experiencing it, or you are installing new hardware or software and want to find out what types of problems others have experienced, here is the place to find out.

Members are encouraged to bring ideas for future presentations and speakers to this meeting.


Please check the WEB site for Map and Directions:

In addition, you will also find extensive information available on dining and lodging in the Hewitt Associates area.

Additional information about the CAVMEN group, and other VM related items of interest are available on our web site.

There is no charge for admission to meetings.

Meeting attendance is open to anyone, and advance registration is not required.

I look forward to seeing all of you at the meeting.


Mark M. Suchecki
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CAVMEN Coordinator

Voice:  (847) 518-0058
FAX:    (847) 518-0083
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