The year 1978 was the year after I left TWA to work for Amdahl. The
airline still had the 3215s in 1978. If you had gone to work for TWA,
you would have seen a 3215. Be glad that you didn't.

> 3125 is a typo, sorry.

That's the reason for the smiley. It was a typo that actually translated
to a different IBM product. We knew what you meant, though.

Richard Schuh 


  • ... Bob Bates
    • ... Michael Coffin
  • ... Wandschneider, Scott
  • ... Wandschneider, Scott
  • ... David Kreuter
    • ... Kris Buelens
      • ... Schuh, Richard
        • ... Kris Buelens
          • ... Schuh, Richard
            • ... Kris Buelens
              • ... Schuh, Richard
              • ... James Stracka (DHL US)
              • ... Schuh, Richard
            • ... Rich Greenberg
      • ... Martin, Terry R. (LOCKHEED MARTIN Performance Engineering/CTR) (CTR)

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