On 4/21/09 2:42 PM, "Schuh, Richard" <rsc...@visa.com> wrote:
>> It'll perform like a hyena with a bullet through it's head
> I almost hate to ask, what is the source of that analogy?

OK, but remember: you asked...

Earlier in my career, I did telco install and design work for a lot of
overseas installations. While doing a project for Kenya Telecom, we were in
a remote location setting a concrete pad for a ground station and connecting
the equipment for a microwave relay and transmitter arial. The station site
was in fairly heavy brush, and some kind of antelope-related animal had
gotten trapped in a bush and couldn't get out, which had attracted some

One of the Kenya Telecom people saw this, sighed, and went out to the truck,
opened a cabinet, and took out a .45 military automatic pistol. He walked
over to about 10 yards away from the bush and calmly shot the antelope-like
animal and all the hyenas in the head. He didn't quite kill one hyena, which
thrashed wildly and dragged itself around mindlessly (literally, in this
case) for almost 20 minutes before finally bleeding to death in a corner
under the bush, making strange uncoordinated noises the whole time.

The performance of that third level system idea reminds me a lot of that
hyena -- thrashing wildly without any possibility of achieving anything,
squalling incoherently until it finally runs out of whatever keeps it going.

Wasn't quite as fun as finding a cache of live Soviet-issue land mines while
installing IDNXs in Yugoslavia, but it was a better analogy.

-- db

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