I ran into the same problem so dug into the relevant code and yes, SAY 
breaks the lines if the terminal linesize is 0.  I ended up writing a 
simple assembler program which echos its parmline.  Happy to share it.

Mike Harding, Consultant/Specialist 

The IBM z/VM Operating System <IBMVM@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU> wrote on 
04/23/2009 04:55:46 AM:

> I am sure I should know the answer to this but I am getting old and 
> cannot remember :- 
> I have an exec that displays a long line on the terminal (which it 
> does fine when I am logged on). I have a 132 wide terminal and TERM 
> LINESIZE 132. 
> However, when I disconnect I want the SECUSER id to see the same but
> the lines are split after every 80 characters. Of course, when I 
> disconnect, the TERM LINESIZE goes to 000 and cannot be changed. 
> This is not just a SECUSER thing because the lines are broken the 
> same way in the spooled console. 
> I have a vague memory that there is something other than TERM 
> Linesize that I can set/control to overcome this but I cannot 
> remember what. Or maybe I am mistaken and this is just a function of
> the SAY in the REXX EXEC when disconnected? 
> Has anyone any ideas? 
> Colin Allinson
> VM Systems Support
> Amadeus Data Processing GmbH

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