Yep, rule of thumb as well as 98% of the time, vdisk for swap is the way to go. 
 But there still is use for swap on real disk.  One is to throttle the image, 
the other is to keep the max resident size down sufficiently enough to keep 
from impacting production systems by overloading the paging system.  

A lot can be done with the paging system, especially if you have the money.  
But for those of us that occasionally hit a paging cliff....  It would be 
better if there was a command to limit the amount of resident memory a guest 
could have.  Something like your resident memory plus dataspace resident memory 
couldn't exceed 512 MB.  When I think about what it would take to modify the 
paging subsystem, to prefer some users memory for pageouts, my brain starts 

Until then, swap on real disk can help reduce the problem.

I got a request in from a Network guy that wants a Linux image to play around 
with.  Initially some sort of network performance monitor.  I won't have time 
to sit with him to keep the normal, "I got a box that I'm the only user on, and 
it doesn't matter what I do" mentality, so I do need to keep his resident size 
down.  So, a couple vdisk swap disks, and a full 3390-3 real swap disk.

If things go well, and his application is ready for prime time with his memory 
requirement really known, then swap disks will be redefined, without the real 

There are always exceptions to the rule.

But then, if I had the funds for a real performance monitor, I might be able to 
see a different solution.  Right now, my alerts come in the form of the phone 

Of course, if I had more funds to buy more memory, I could create another LPAR 
and have these "weird" images in their own Linux farm.  But that would then 
require me to dedicate real resources to a set of images that, on any given 
day, may never be used.  Dedicate real memory vs dedicate real dasd.  I have 
more dasd, for now.

Tom Duerbusch
THD Consulting

>>> Doug Shupe <> 4/29/2009 8:58 PM >>>
Scott you hit this one on the head! 
Penguins multiply rapidly, real memory tends to stay constant ($$$). Sure VM is 
Great at paging but, like you say, impacting all the Penguins? YMMV. Alerts are 
a must either way. When memory is at a premium, one v-disk and the rest real 
disk is the way to go. DASD is not 'that' slow anymore. 
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Scott Rohling 
  Sent: Wednesday, April 29, 2009 18:13
  Subject: Re: SWAPGEN

  Maybe --  but having a real disk (and setting an alert for that) helps 
isolate the issue to a single guest rather than affecting critical shared 
resources (in this case memory/paging) when a guest starts swapping more than 
normal or than it 'should'.

  I like the idea of having a 'failover' swap area on real disk -- whether you 
have a single VDISK or 2 prioritized ahead of it.  I guess whether it's waste 
of resource depends on your POV..  But your point is taken..


  On Wed, Apr 29, 2009 at 4:42 PM, Barton Robinson 
<> wrote:

    giving real disks to swap is a real waste of resource.  It is much better 
to take the "extra disk resource" that you allocate but never want to use, and 
assign it to z/VM paging to enhance your paging subsystem.  Then define two 
vdisks for swap, prioritize them, and set an alert when the 2nd disk is being 

    Martin, Terry R. (LOCKHEED MARTIN Performance Engineering/CTR) (CTR) wrote:


      I am using SWAPGEN to define by z/Linux VDISKS I also want to define a 
real disk for swap. My question is can I use SWAPGEN to define a swap on real 
DASD? If you have an example of the control card syntax to accomplish this that 
would be great?   
      //Thank You,//

      //Terry Martin//

      //Lockheed Martin - Information Technology//

      //z/OS & z/VM Systems - Performance and Tuning//

      //Cell - 443 632-4191//

      //Work - 410 786-0386//

      // <>//

      • ... Rich Smrcina
        • ... Scott Rohling
          • ... Mike Walter
            • ... Rich Smrcina
              • ... Rob van der Heij
          • ... Martin, Terry R. (LOCKHEED MARTIN Performance Engineering/CTR) (CTR)
            • ... Marcy Cortes
              • ... Martin, Terry R. (LOCKHEED MARTIN Performance Engineering/CTR) (CTR)
      • ... Doug Shupe
        • ... Barton Robinson
        • ... Tom Duerbusch
    • ... Martin, Terry R. (LOCKHEED MARTIN Performance Engineering/CTR) (CTR)
      • ... Barton Robinson
        • ... Martin, Terry R. (LOCKHEED MARTIN Performance Engineering/CTR) (CTR)
  • ... Phil Smith III
    • ... Rob van der Heij
      • ... Martin, Terry R. (LOCKHEED MARTIN Performance Engineering/CTR) (CTR)

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