The smaller systems, the 360-20 and 360-30 had a 1401 emulator mode. It was a 
h/w or mc based feature. I don't know whether larger machines had it. There was 
also a 1410 emulator mode on the -40. I do not know of any 1401 support that 
ran under DOS, but my DOS experience is miniscule. 

There was a nifty package named DOS Under O/S (DUO) that allowed you to run DOS 
jobs under O/S MFT and VS1. It was developed by an IBM SE who lived somewhere 
in Texas. When IBM did not want the product, he sold it to Computer Associates 
(way before they changed the name to CA) where it was called CA-2 (IIRC). He 
died in an automobile accident not long after making the sale.

Richard Schuh 


> -----Original Message-----
> From: The IBM z/VM Operating System 
> [] On Behalf Of Tom Duerbusch
> Sent: Friday, May 22, 2009 8:37 AM
> Subject: IBM 1401: was Re: z/VM 5.4 VSAM question - PJBR
> Tom Duerbusch
> THD Consulting
> >>> Jim Bohnsack <> 5/20/2009 8:46 PM >>>
> I don't remember a VM/370 1401 emulator.  I supported IBM 
> customers that were running 1401 support under DOS/360, but 
> now I can't remember what it was called.  It required, I 
> think, a hardware feature on the S/360-30.  I think I 
> remember that there was a 1410 emulator that ran under DOS, 
> probably on a 360-40.  Was there a separate VM/370 1401 
> emulator or were you just running DOS or DOS/VS under VM/370?
> What was the name of that DOS 1401 emulator?  The old core 
> memory is getting a little rusty, maybe a lot rusty.
> Jim
> David Boyes wrote:
> > One shop I worked at ran the VM/370 1401 emulator for well over 20 
> > years af= ter IBM withdrew it from marketing, faithfully paying the 
> > maintenance charg= e year after year. It would have cost a 
> fraction of 
> > that price to just rewr= ite the darn application, but Not 
> In My Control....
> >
> >   
> --
> Jim Bohnsack
> Cornell University
> (972) 596-6377 home/office
> (972) 342-5823 cell

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