On 6/3/09 1:13 PM, "Tom Duerbusch" <duerbus...@stlouiscity.com> wrote:

> Once you get a VSE system up (via tape), you have VSE Virtual Tape available.
> You can use that with the IP flavor (instead of the VSAM flavor) to store VSE
> Virtual Tapes.  Now, you can get a TB USB drive for around $1,500 and they are
> portable.  How about buying 3, (Grandfather, father, son), and copy the
> offsite data tapes, this way?  I'm still concerned about IP performance.

The bottleneck will be the USB port speed, not the network. And where are
you paying $1500 for a USB drive? Most of the vendors around here are ~$200
for 1TB USB drives.

Consider also ESATA drives. They're significantly faster than the USB ones
and generally not that much more expensive.

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