re: CP requirement to accept wildcards for query commands

Playing devil's advocate:

Since the guest OS (CMS, Linux, whatever)  can readily solve the requirement
(especially when you guys start talking about shells, etc), why put it on
the hypervisor?

That's why IBM wrote CMS..  then REXX..  then PIPE ..

Playing devil's nemesis:

Hmmm...   look at USER_VOLUME_INCLUDE in SYSTEM CONFIG.....  is IBM gonna
support wild cards for volume labels or not?  Consistency, consistency..

I guess I didn't really help much..  hey - I'm a Gemini - I'm divided by


On Wed, Jul 1, 2009 at 7:36 PM, Alan Ackerman

> On Wed, 1 Jul 2009 16:09:46 -0500, Adam Thornton <>
> wrote:
> >On Jul 1, 2009, at 2:33 PM, Richard Troth wrote:
> >
> >> By the way ... Unix cheats.
> >> The shell expands all wildcards, which I have always said is a mistake
> >> because it presumes on the context.  The shell can only expand
> >> wildcards that are filenames.  Not everything you might want to
> >> wildcard is a file.  Wouldn't it be nice if you could  'ifconfig
> >> eth*'?
> >
> >Wouldn't it be nice if Unix worked like Unix was supposed to work, and
> >everything *WERE* a file?
> >
> >Yeah, yeah, I know, Plan 9 is right over there if I want it.
> >
> >Adam
> >===========================================================
> ==============
> I think CP doesn't do wildcards because we didn't ask for it. We didn't ask
> for it because we could
> throw together a Q&D EXEC to do what we needed, a lot quicker than waiting
> for IBM to deliver a
> new release or two. Many CP commands do allow a range of (hex) device
> numbers dev1-dev2.
> I remember Unix globbing having problems if there were too many files that
> met the pattern. Is
> there a restriction on the length of a command in Posix?
> Since many people have naming standards for volsers, support for wildcards
> on volsers in CP
> would be useful. Someone want to write a requirement?
> Alan Ackerman
> Alan (dot) Ackerman (at) Bank of America (dot) com

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