Back before I retired, we always taught and followed these rules for Rexx:
1-Start every regular exec with Address Command
2-Upper case and quote every command to the underlying system
3-Fully spell out every command
4-If you're going to execute another exec, then code it: 'EXEC WHATEVER' 5-Let Rexx do the work. Coding: 'trailing blank '||'something else' is telling Rexx to do what it would normally do with: 'no trailing blank' 'something else'. Why waste your time and create another opportunity for error? (Yes, I know that someone in the Chicago Ed Center was teaching the embedded blank technique at one time. Hopefully they've learned better by now!) 6-Don't use asterisks to draw comment boxes. They slow down the interpreter.

I once saved a project from missing its release date by telling the responsible programmer (for the Nth time) to apply rules 1 to 3 to his code, after a panicked phone call at home at 2 am. At 5 am he called me back to let me know all was well and they still had window time to install the new code. The install went cleanly and IGS was saved considerable embaressment.

Yes, Rexx will let you do many things 'quick and dirty' but if you want to do it right and make it bullet proof then you have to pay attention to the details.


Gentry, Stephen wrote:
--> Running this:

* * * Top of File * * * /* */ 'vmfclear' address command 'PIPE COMMAND NETSTAT TELNET | stem telnet.' 'Pipe stem telnet. | >> netstat query a' exit

--> Results in this:

* * * Top of File * * *

DTCNET103E Invalid parameter: EXEC

VM TCP/IP Netstat Level 540       TCP/IP Server Name: TCPIP

Active IPv4 Telnet server connections:

Conn Status     Foreign Host     B out      B in  Logical device status

---- ------     ------------     -----      ----  ---------------------

1273 Establshd      124040       906  L0003 LOGON  AS ACAA05

1172 Establshd       28857       733  L0004 LOGON  AS XAOPER

</results in this>

Replacing "stem telnet." With "browse"  does not display the DTCNET103E
message. The browse is useful but I intend to do further processing with
the stem


-----Original Message-----
From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [] On
Behalf Of Rob van der Heij
Sent: Tuesday, July 14, 2009 3:19 AM
Subject: Re: NETSTAT and PIPES

On Tue, Jul 14, 2009 at 3:52 AM, Feller, Paul<>
Is this what you are trying to do?

'pipe command NETSTAT TELNET | stem sve1.'

'pipe stem sve1. | > sve TEXT A'

'browse sve TEXT A'

If so, then it is probably more practical to do - straight from the
command line
  pipe command NETSTAT TELNET | browse

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