SSLSERV gets this when I try to connect:

DTCSSL022E Handshake failed: rc: 428 reason: Key entry does not contain a 
private key

I used Option 5 to import it.

The error code says this.   (The codes are in the z/os manual so what they tell 
me to do is rather z/os'y) 

Key entry does not contain a private key. 
The key entry does not contain a private key or the private key is not usable. 
This error can also occur if the private key is stored in ICSF and ICSF 
services are not available or if the private key size is greater than the 
supported configuration limit. Certificates that are meant to represent a 
server or client must be connected to a SAF keyring with a USAGE value of 
PERSONAL and either be owned by the userid of the application or be SITE 
certificates. |This error can occur when using z/OS |PKCS #11 tokens if the 
userid of the application does not have appropriate |access to the CRYPTOZ 
User response: 
Ensure that the ICSF started task has been started prior to the application if 
the private key is stored in ICSF. |When |using z/OS PKCS #11 tokens, ensure 
the userid has appropriate access to the |CRYPTOZ class.


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