That's true, Robert; I had forgotten that the IND command does show the last IPL statement....of course, if some knuckle head had installed Linux on a virtual DASD at address 190, then that could pose a problem....:-)

Hodge, Robert L wrote:
If IPL device is sufficient, then it is not necessary to install TRACK.
The IPL device or system is in the "CP IND USER userid" response, so a
PIPE can be used to count all the userids IPL'ed by device, excluding
the IPL 190 userids.

-----Original Message-----
From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [] On
Behalf Of Dave Jones
Sent: Wednesday, August 12, 2009 4:13 PM
Subject: Re: How to tell how many linux running on z/VM?

Hi, Sunny.

Some sites have guest naming standards (Linux guests are named LIN.... or LS....., etc.) that would allow you to very simply see which guests were running Linux, as opposed to CMS or GCS. If your site doesn't have such a standard, then I'm afraid you're going to have to do this the hard way.

I would download and install the TRACK z/VM utility; for each guest on the system, it can tell you what the IPL statement was, and if all of your Linux guest were IPLed off of a known DASD address, that would tell

you which ones are indeed running Linux. To verify that the guest is a Linux one, TRACK can also display the kernel parm line, which is stored at a fixed location (x'1000'?) in the guest.

This isn't too difficult to do for a handful of guests, but if you have a lot to query, you might want to consider automating this task via some

Rexx TRACK macros. wrote:
I was asked to find out how many linux guests are running on our
the cp commands:Q N is not very suitable for this question.
What is the better way?

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Dave Jones
Houston, TX

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