>I'm not sure what you mean here..   of course this should work regardles
>of how the guest is started - automatically or manually if things are
>setup correctly.   Can you explain further?

I mean that when the LINUX guests start automatically when z/VM is IPL'ed
then they cannot connect to the vswitch. When they are restarted, they 

connect as expected. 

I discovered this accidentally after removing the LINUX guests from 
AUTOLOG1. I did that, because I was restarting VM multiple times, and it 

was quicker without the guests. When the LINUX guy signed onto his guest,
causing it to boot, we discovered that the network connection was 
mysterously working. So, I put the guests back into the start list. Next 

time I IPL'ed, the guests no longer had network connectivity. Yet, when I
stopped the guests and restarted them, connectivity was restored. 

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