Philip Hitti <> wrote :-

> We are running VM 5.4 first level and want to download Vm 5.4 tape as
> II level user with the different intallation DASD lables of 540RES,
> 540spl and 540pag without any problem.  Does it require some special
> authority or option to change the label of 540res so that there is no
> duplicate volumes.
> Does all the internal addresses of Volume lables will be changed in
> the sytems files or we have to change the lables manually ??.
> IBM says 540res cannot be changed.
> Please advice
> Regards
> Philip


Once you have the starter system installed you *can* build new systems 
disks with any label you like and build a system on those disks. With 
multiple VM systems, we have done this and it works well. There are, 
however, a number of steps you need to go through, in the correct order, 
to achieve this (including editing and reloading the VM directory).

As for loading a starter system onto differently named volumes then this 
is something you don't want to even attempt - particularly as you are 
going to run 2nd level and it is, therefore, not necessary.

What you do is find 5/6 volumes and label them how you like (i.e. V54GAn) 
to meet your local conventions. You then define minidisks starting at 
cylinder 1 for 3338 on each of these for use by your 2nd level system. 
(The starter system never uses all 3339 cylinders.)
When you logon on you starter systems you format each of the minidisks as 
if they were a full real volume and away you go.

Colin Allinson
VM Systems Support
Amadeus Data Processing GmbH

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