Install to minidisks that start on cyl 1 on your level 2 userid. When you're 
ready to go production, you can copy the maintained system from cyl 1 to end to 
cyl 0 to end on your new IPL and spool packs with the relocate option in DDR. 
The IBM install tapes are deliberately 1 cyl short of a real volume to allow 
this to work. 

Of course, this assumes that you have no user data on those packs. You don't 
care about the contents of 540PAG (it's volatile and overwritten every time you 
IPL anyway), and you want the new 540SPL to become the real one -- if you have 
more spool volumes it gets more complicated in that you need to SPXTAPE DUMP 
and reload your other spool volumes. Make sure to mark the old IPL and spool 
volumes offline at IPL in the new config. 

> IBM says 540res cannot be changed.

Bull. The procedure has been discussed here extensively. 

-- db

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