My initial guess is that you need about 1 GB for your current workload.

Some things to check:

1.  Do a QSYSOWN
** Summary Information:                       
Type        Allocd       In-Use   %-Used      
SPOL       1201680       348517     29.0      
PAGE       1201680       172559     14.4      

Look at the %-Used for PAGE.  If it is near zero, where it should be if you 
never paged, great.  If it is not near zero, then you did/have been paging.

2.  Find how much storage you are using.  Do an IND USER for each guest:

ind user stlesa2                                                     
IPLSYS=DEV 0120 DEVNUM=00073                                         
PAGES: RES=00021448 WS=00021444 LOCKEDREAL=00000004 RESVD=00000000   
NPREF=00011685 PREF=00000000 READS=00015515 WRITES=00051555          
XSTORE=000646 READS=003233 WRITES=025769 MIGRATES=021694             
CPU 00: CTIME=92:37 VTIME=721:27 TTIME=839:31 IO=335062              
        RDR=015839 PRT=790969 PCH=078332                             

Look at the RES figure.  This is the number of pages that machine is using now. 
 Sum up all the pages for all the currently logged on machines, multiply by 4K 
an that is the storage your guests are using.

3.  Do a Q FRAMES:

q frames                                                    
All Frames:                                                 
   Configured=163839  Real=163839  Usable=163839  Offline=0 
   Pageable=148743  NotInitialized=0  GlobalClearedAvail=32 
   LocalClearedAvail=32  LocalUnclearedAvail=31             

The Configured minus Pageable....just say VM overhead.

Sum up 2 and 3 and that is the amount of storage you need at your current 
paging rate (which should be near zero).

My guess is you have 6 GB left.  1 GB for your system.  1 GB taken for 
microcode.  6 GB remaining.

Taking 2 GB for the zLinux LPAR is a good start.  You will have a little more 
than a GB for Linux stuff.  On the Linux LPAR, make sure you have 4+ full 
paging packs, as you are going to page here.  Perhaps give .5 GB for expanded 
storage, also, as you are going to page here.  Don't forget to implement vdisk 
support so you have vdisk packs for Linux swap areas.

Good time to also bring up vswitch/guest LAN.

Of course if you have a performance monitor, getting the right amount of 
storage is a lot easier, but it is also doable manually.

How often can you reconfigure your production LPAR?  If rare, push for a 
performance monitor as it will save you Power On Resets as you keep 
reconfiguring your production LPAR.  If you can do it weekly/monthly, well, 
take 2 GB, monitor for a while, take another 1 GB, monitor for a while, take 
another GB, perhaps give back 512 MB.  You know the drill.

Tom Duerbusch
THD Consulting

>>> Vince Getgood <> 9/14/2009 8:52 AM >>>
Hi all,
I'm not a VM expert, so forgive me if this seems a newbie quetion.

I have a z800 running z/VM, which has two production z/OS guests, and the 
usual collection of CMS guests (TCPIP / OPERATOR etc).

We discovered recently that the z800 has an IFL (long story - don't ask!) 
and would like to steal some of the 8GB currently allocated to VM, to run 
up a VM / Linux LPAR for a POC.

The two z/OS guests are defined at 256MB & 512MB (Bill Gates, are you 
watching??), and don't page.

In your most esteemed opinion, what could I steal from the VM LPAR without 
hurting it's and the guests performance / making it page?

Personally, I think 2GB would be enough.

Comments and opinions welcome.

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