As mentioned in my question below, we have to format the defined temp
minidisk every time. So, from that point of view, the data is gone.  I
didn't think of the DDR situation. However, a class G user would have to
know where the T-DISK area is defined.  They cannot issue a QUERY ALLOC
TDISK or QUERY TDISK command.  T-DISK's can be placed anywhere, so
security by obscurity.  I know that last comment won't fly with
auditors, which is what this whole curiosity going anyway.  The auditor
is primary concerned with class G users.

-----Original Message-----
From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [] On
Behalf Of Tom Rae
Sent: Thursday, September 17, 2009 3:05 PM
Subject: Re: TDISK and SYSTEM CONFIG question.

Without CLEAR_Tdisk enabled, whatever data the last user stored in 
T-DISK space is still present when it is allocated to the next user. To 
successfully use the space with CMS you will most likely have to format 
it, unless the boundaries of your TDISK allocation exactly overlay the 
previous user's allocation, but there is nothing forcing you to use CMS 
to access the space. A utility such as DDR would be quite happy to copy 
the contents of T-DISK to a permanent location, from which you could use

other utilities to recover the data, track by track, without relying on

Gentry, Stephen wrote:
> I guess I should have read Richard's response closer.  So, I'll echo
Dennis's question as well.
> What security problem?
> We do not have CLEAR_TDisk enabled.  Every time we define a t-disk, it
HAS to be formatted, no exceptions.
> Steve

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