On Tue, 22 Dec 2009 05:34:50 -0600, Berry van Sleeuwen 
<berry.vansleeu...@xs4all.nl> wrote:

>That makes me wonder, could there be a file that is changed but is not
>found this way? For instance, a file where a byte has been changed but 

>that is not reflected in a change in filesizes or timestamp?

There are a number of ways to use COPYFILE in conjunction with OLDDATE 

that can achieve the result of the same timestamp and size but different 

file content.  I've had reason to do similar manipulations it in the 
distant past, but I doubt that you'd encounter it in the service stream. 
More common would be to encounter a file that hasn't changed, but has a 

new timestamp.

Personally, I've always thought it easier to work at the level of "I need
these minidisks" and copy them whole rather than worry about what files 

were added/deleted/changed.  They're not that big and the risks become 

larger when you slice and dice them.

Brian Nielsen

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