Side note......

We are adding 2 CP engines to our z10 next week.  I *believe* we can vary
these engines onto VM without an IPL.
Someone very knowledgeable told me he was 99% sure that would work.  :-)
Anyone out there know differently?
(We currently are using 6 of the existing engines on the box.  Our hardware
folks will 'activate' 2 more....)

  From:       Alan Altmark/Endicott/i...@ibmus                                  
  To:         IBMVM@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU                                           
  Date:       01/05/2010 10:33 AM                                               
  Subject:    Re: 2 to 3 IFLs                                                   
  Sent by:    The IBM z/VM Operating System <IBMVM@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU>           

On Tuesday, 01/05/2010 at 12:25 EST, "Harris, Nick J."
<> wrote:

> According to our performance product we do NOT need an additional IFL at
> time but it was included as part of the z10 upgrade so I wanted to
utilize it.

It will be utilized even though you do not define three *virtual* CPUs. CP
will be able to run three virtual CPUs at once instead of only two.  With
virtual 2-ways, you ensure that no single guest is using all three CPUs at
the same time.

Alan Altmark
z/VM Development
IBM Endicott

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