On Monday, 03/01/2010 at 01:41 EST, "Horlick, Michael" 
<michael.horl...@cgi.com> wrote:
> I would like to trap all the CP console output from a virtual machine 
from its 
> initial XAUTOLOG/LOGON. I have several z/VSE machines which are 
> by the operator. Reason?  In rare instances, maybe a pack is not 
attached to 
> the system which contains some minidisks used by these machines. I know 
> could be a message such as:
> HCPLNM108E MIKE A194 not linked; volid XT160D not mounted
> For a test I have changed a virtual machine CONSOLE statement in its 
> to CONSOLE 009 T MIKE OBS and I get all messages after the user logs on. 
> would like to programmatically trap these messages from a disconnected 
> machine so that it can be detected. Tried WAKEUP but no luck.

Mike, a virtual machine cannot trap messsages that are sent to is console 
before the virtual machine is IPLed, and the IPL statement is the last 
statement processed.  They can only be trapped by another virtual machine. 
 So change "MIKE" in the CONSOLE statement to some other user and use 
WAKEUP/PROP in *that* user.

Or, have your virtual machine discover its surroundings and make its own 
determination if things are as they should be.  This is often done with 
DEDICATEd devices to ensure they are present before the program is 

As far as MDISKs go, you can IPL CMS first and have PROFILE EXEC issue 
"LINK * vaddr vaddr" for each MDISK you know you are supposed to have. 
Since the link mode isn't specified and you are linking to your own MDISK, 
you will get the link mode as defined in the directory.  But this way you 
can find out if there are any missing minidisk and why they are missing, 
and react accordingly, either erroring out or sending a request for the 
problem to be solved.  "TELL OPERATOR Dude.  Find and attach <volid> to 
SYSTEM and XAUTOLOG MIKE again.  Cheers."

Alan Altmark
z/VM Development
IBM Endicott

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