We have a customer that wants to install Linux in an LPAR by itself. Their 
system is a separate CEC without a VM license. It seems I should be able to 
install Linux under VM onto dedicated volumes and using real OSA addresses, and 
then IPL via the HMC for the assigned LPAR. If that's true then Linux can run 
standalone or under VM with dedicated DASD.

Ray Mrohs   

> It's a choice.  You don't have to FEAR fullpack minis, but 
> you do have to 
> PLAN for them.  After all, dedicated volumes and DEVNO mdisks 
> have the 
> same issue in that respect.  The freedom to avoid dependency on RDEVs 
> comes only by placing trust in all the people who manage 
> them.  If the 
> managers of those RDEVs defer management of any part of that 
> infrastructure to an untrusted system or person, then the 
> chain is broken 
> and assumptions are no longer valid.
> As a security guy, I prefer to use non-fullpack minis.  But 
> if I have to 
> have them, then it would be irresponsible for me to ASSUME 
> that the guest 
> will not alter the volser.  All virtual machines used by 
> people other than 
> trusted z/VM admins are, by definition, untrusted and Evil Incarnate.
> Alan Altmark
> z/VM Development
> IBM Endicott

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