On Tuesday, 07/06/2010 at 11:47 EDT, "Hughes, Jim" 
<jim.hug...@doit.nh.gov> wrote:
> I am trying to use Alan Altmark?s program QCPACF to see if CPACF is 
> on our z890.
> I get a program check using the STFLE instructions.

The STFLE instruction was added as part of the 
Store-Facility-List-Extended facility.  That facility is present only when 
the results of the Store Facility List (STFL) instruction indicates its 
presence (bit 7).  And that bit is only on with z9 and later.

You can change the program to use STFL and to move the buffer to location 
200.  (Also don't need to load buffer length into R0.)

          USING *,R12 
          LR    R12,R15 
          LR    R10,R14 
          XC    STFLEBUF(4),STFLEBUF 
          STFL  0(0) 
          TM    STFLEBUF+2,X'40'  MSA? 
          BZ    NOMSA 
          APPLMSG TEXT='CPACF is installed' 
          SLR   R15,R15 
          BR    R10 
 NOMSA    DS    0H 
          APPLMSG TEXT='CPACF is not installed'
          LHI   R15,1 
          BR    R10 
          END   QCPACF 

When you GENMOD it, you will need to use the SYSTEM option.

Alan Altmark
z/VM Development
IBM Endicott

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