On Fri, 16 Jul 2010 09:18:02 -0500 David Boyes said:
>> > My friend, Chuckie, whispered to me that all World-Class Systems
>> > Programmers would undoubtedly like to know about and adhere to this
>> new
>> > Standard of Excellence, so I immediately thought of you all.  :-)  I
>> > admit
>> > to being anxious to see how others will improve upon this standard
>> (such
>> > as by including chocolate)!
>Perhaps Chuckie would like to create a template for submitting networking 
>problems that demonstrates this new artistic movement?
>Sort of a Jackson Pollock paint-by-number kit...

I'm trying to figure out what to do with the supply of napkins from the coffee
shop and felt tip pens we were instructed to use previously.  I mean, we
used multi-colors too.  Leave it to IBM to change the standard and not tell
anyone.  I mean, was there a user requirement for this change?

>PS - *grin*

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