Hello Everyone,


Ok I need some comments and guidance.  FTP using the SSH is not what we
want, I believe.

We want FTP/SSL or FTPS (implicit SSL).  Which from my earlier question
about FTP and TCP/IP on z/OS is not in the BASE TCP/IP suite.


Alan this statement would  this be the part of the IBM PORTED Tools that
you are talking about (see below).  

If it is then, That would SFTP and not the FTP/SSL (FTPS) that we


TCP/IP is part of z/OS Communications Server (nee VTAM). It is not a
part of the base z/OS. It is a charge feature of z/OS. "sftp" is
available for z/OS, but must be ordered. It is part of the OpenSSH port
( 5655-M23). It is free. This version of sftp only support z/OS UNIX


(It is amazing that the simple definition of SFTP versus FTPS can cause
me so much grief on a Friday afternoon at 16:20. And I am leaving so
expect a late response.)


Here is the Wikipedia definitions. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SFTP


I think that I am getting confused with SecureFTP for VSE (CSI's product
and the one we want) which by definition is FTPS.

FTP using SSL and TLS.


Plus I have some Opie that indicates that they want SFTP and 

".  SFTP, for our purposes here at <name removed> , is for Implicit SSL
connections.  FTPS, is for SSH connections which we don't accept at all
in fact. "


FTPS that matches what I have in WS_FTP PRO.


This is what WS-FTP has






Ed Martin

Aultman Health Foundation


ext 35050


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