Whew, that "DateTimeSubtract" can be confusing and awkward to use.  That 
led me to the TIMEDIFF EXEC pasted below.

Mike Walter
Hewitt Associates
The opinions expressed herein are mine alone, not my employer's.

/* Prolog; See Epilog for additional information ********************
 * Exec Name     - TIMEDIFF EXEC                                    *
 * Unit Support  - IS                                               *
 * Status        - Version 2, Release 2.0                           *

   address 'COMMAND'
   parse source xos xct xfn xft xfm xcmd xenvir .
   parse upper arg parms 1 operands '(' options ')' parmrest
   If parms='?' | parms='' then Signal Explain

   If ?function then
        options =arg(2)
   parse upper var operands date1 time1 date2 time2 outfmt .
   upper options

   ?days =wordpos('DAYS', options)>0
   ?met  =wordpos('MET',  options)>0
   ?term =wordpos('TERM', options)>0
   ?lifo =wordpos('LIFO', options)>0
   ?fifo =wordpos('FIFO', options)>0 | ,
   If ?days & ?met then
        say xfn'; mutually exclusive options: DAYS, MET'
        Call Exit 20 '?'

   If ?function & (?lifo+?fifo+?term)>0 then
        say xfn'; TERM, LIFO, FIFO, & STACK options are' ,
               'invalid for rexx function calls.'
        say 'For more help, enter:' xfn '?'
        Return /* w/o anything to cause a function call error */

   If time1='' then
        say xfn'; missing first time, second date, second time.'
        Call Exit 20 '?'
   If date2='' then
        say xfn'; missing second date, second time.'
        Call Exit 20 '?'
   If time2='' then
        say xfn'; missing second time.'
        Call Exit 20 '?'
   If date1='*' then date1=datenow
   If time1='*' then time1=timenow
   If date2='*' then date2=datenow
   If time2='*' then time2=timenow
   If date2='=' then date2=date1
   If time2='=' then time2=time1
   days=0;hh=00; mm=00; ss=00
   If date1=date2 & time1=time2 then
      Signal Reply
     /* Implied Exit */


  window_position = '-50'
  If date1fmt='vm_tmr_format_rexx_date_s' then
       parse var time1 hh':'mm':'ss
       minuend_stamp = date1||time1
     minuend_stamp = date1 time1
  minuend_stamp_length = 'LENGTH'(minuend_stamp)
  minuend_stamp_format = 'VALUE'(date1fmt)
  minuend_stamp_bias = 0
  minuend_stamp_window_type = vm_tmr_window_sliding
  minuend_stamp_window_position = window_position
  If date2fmt='vm_tmr_format_rexx_date_s' then
       parse var time2 hh':'mm':'ss
       subtrahend_stamp = date2||time2
     subtrahend_stamp = date2 time2
  subtrahend_stamp_length = 'LENGTH'(subtrahend_stamp)
  subtrahend_stamp_format = 'VALUE'(date2fmt)
  subtrahend_stamp_bias = 0 /* no bias */
  subtrahend_stamp_window_type = vm_tmr_window_sliding
  subtrahend_stamp_window_position = window_position

  If outfmt='' then outfmt='vm_tmr_format_met'
  diff_stamp_format = 'VALUE'(outfmt)
  diff_stamp_buffer_size = '30' /* Was 32 */
  diff_stamp_bias = '0'
  diff_stamp_window_type = vm_tmr_window_sliding
  diff_stamp_window_position = window_position

  dtsargs='DateTimeSubtract retcode reascode' ,
  'minuend_stamp' ,
  'minuend_stamp_length' ,
  'minuend_stamp_format' ,
  'minuend_stamp_bias' ,
  'minuend_stamp_window_type' ,
  'minuend_stamp_window_position' ,
  'subtrahend_stamp' ,
  'subtrahend_stamp_length' ,
  'subtrahend_stamp_format' ,
  'subtrahend_stamp_bias' ,
  'subtrahend_stamp_window_type' ,
  'subtrahend_stamp_window_position' ,
  'diff_stamp_buffer' ,
  'diff_stamp_buffer_size' ,
  'diff_stamp_length' ,
  'diff_stamp_format' ,
  'diff_stamp_bias' ,
  'diff_stamp_window_type' ,
   Call 'CSL' dtsargs
   If reascode=307 then
        say xfn'; Invalid first date or time entered:' date1 time1
        Call Exit 20 '?'

   If reascode=308 then
        say xfn'; Invalid second date or time entered:' date2 time2
        Call Exit 20 '?'
   If retcode<>0  then say xfn'; retcode='retcode
   parse var retcode l3retcode 4 parmerr
   If l3retcode='-27' then
      say 'Possible error in DateTimeSubtract CSL argument:' ,
   If reascode<>0 then say xfn'; reasoncode='reascode
   If retcode<>0 then Call Exit retcode

   parse var diff_stamp_buffer days'/'hh':'mm':'ss'.'millisec .
   If \?days & \?met then
   hh=right(abs(hh), max(length(hh),2) ,0)
   mm=right(abs(mm), 2 ,0 )
   ss=right(abs(ss), 2 ,0 )
   Signal Reply /* Implied Exit, Do not change to "Call"! */
Call Exit 0

   parse arg date
   ?numeric=( verify(date,'0123456789')=0 )
   parse var date 1 . 3 C3date 4 . 5 C5date  ,
                      6 C6date 7 . 8 C8date 9 . ,
                  1 . 2 C345date 6 . ,
                  1 L2date 3

     When Ldate=5  & ?numeric then
       Return 'vm_tmr_format_rexx_date_j'
     When Ldate=7  & ?numeric then
       Return 'vm_tmr_format_rexx_date_j_long'
     When Ldate=8  & ?numeric then
       Return 'vm_tmr_format_rexx_date_s'
     When Ldate=10 & C5date='/' & C8date ='/' then
       Return 'vm_tmr_format_csl'
     When Ldate=10 & C5date='-' & C8date='-' then
       Return 'vm_tmr_format_iso'
     When Ldate=10 & C5date='-' & C8date='-' then
       Return 'vm_tmr_format_iso'
     When Ldate=8  & C3date='/' & C6date='/' then
       Return 'vm_tmr_format_rexx_date_u'
         say xfn'; unsupported date format for date:' date
         Call Exit 20 '?'
Return /* Doc only */

/* ******************************************************************* */
/* *                      SUB - ROUTINES                             * */
/* ******************************************************************* */

   parse arg exitrc todo
   If todo='?' then say 'For more help, enter:' xfn '?'
   If verify(exitrc,'-0123456789')>0 then Exit 999999
   If ?function & exitrc>0 then
        say xfn 'arguments: "'parms'"'
        Return /* without anything to cause a function call error */
Exit exitrc

Reply: /* Be careful to always "SIGNAL REPLY" or ?function will fail*/

   If days='DAYS' | days='' then days=0

     When ?function & ?met  then Return    days'/'hh':'mm':'ss
     When ?function & ?days then Return    days   hh':'mm':'ss
     When ?function         then Return           hh':'mm':'ss
     When ?fifo     & ?met  then queue '*' days'/'hh   mm   ss
     When ?fifo     & ?days then queue '*' days   hh   mm   ss
     When ?fifo             then queue '*'        hh   mm   ss
     When ?lifo     & ?met  then push  '*' days'/'hh   mm   ss
     When ?lifo     & ?days then push  '*' days   hh   mm   ss
     When ?lifo             then push  '*'        hh   mm   ss
     /* Display at console */
     When ?met              then say       days'/'hh':'mm':'ss
     When ?days             then say       days   hh':'mm':'ss
     Otherwise                   say              hh':'mm':'ss

Call Exit 0

   'PIPE (NAME TimeDiffExplain)' ,
      '| <' xfn xft xfm ,
      '| INSIDE ANYCASE /ExplainBegin/ /ExplainEnd/' ,
      '| CONSOLE'
    Call Exit 4
TIMEDIFF provides the number of hours, minutes and seconds (and
optionally, days) between two pairs of dates and times.

The command format is:

            +-yyyy-mm-dd-+  +-hh:mm:ss-+  +-yyyy-mm-dd-+  +-hh:mm:ss-+
            +-yyyy/mm/dd-+  +-hhmmss---+  +-yyyy/mm/dd-+  +-hhmmss---+
            +-yyyymmdd---+  +-*--------+  +-yyyymmdd---+  +-*--------+
            +-yyyyddd----+                +-yyyyddd----+  +-=--------+
            +-yyddd------+                +-yyddd------+
            +-mm/dd/yy---+                +-mm/dd/yy---+
            +-*----------+                +-*----------+

            +--(----| Options |---+-----+---+


   +-DAYS-+  +-FIFO--+
   +-MET--+  +-STACK-+

Dates are supported between 01 Jan 0001 AD and 31 Dec 9999 AD.

The dates may be entered as any of the following date formats:

Format       Format type
----------   ----------------------------------
*          - Current date
yyyy-mm-dd - ISOdate
yyyy/mm/dd - DateTimeSubtract CSL
yyyymmdd   - Standard date;  rexx date(S)
yyyyddd    - Julian date;    (long)
yyddd      - Julian date;    rexx date(J)
mm/dd/yy   - Gregorian Date; rexx date(U)
=          - For 'date2' only, equal to 'date1'

The times may be entered as any of the following time formats:

Format       Format type
----------   ----------------------------------
*          - Current time
hh:mm:ss   - Specific time
hhmmss     - Specific time
=          - For 'time2' only, equal to 'time1'


DAYS       - Display the number of days between the dates
             For a 'TERM' display as:
             Time difference is: n days, n hours, n minutes, n seconds.
             For a function call as:
             days hh:mm:ss
             For LIFO, FIFO, or STACK:
             * n n n n

MET        - Display the days in "Mission Elapsed Time" format.
             For a 'TERM' display as:
             Time difference is: n days/ n hours, n minutes, n seconds.
             For a function call as:
             For LIFO, FIFO, or STACK:
             * days/hh:mm:ss

TERM       - Display results at console (DEFAULT)
FIFO       - Queue results in Program Stack
STACK      - Queue results in Program Stack
LIFO       - Push results in Program Stack

Usage notes:

1) Options for a rexx function call are entered after a comma, as in:
   diff=timediff(date1 time1 date2 time2,options)

2) Any date entered as a 2-digit year (Gregorian or Julian) will be
   converted to a 4-digit year using a 50 year sliding window from the
   the current date.

   The sliding window range of years is computed as:

       current year -50, through current year +49.

   The century is taken from the matching year in that range.

                                                2-digit   Resulting
   Current year;  Window begin;  Window end;    year      4-digit year
   -------------  ------------  ----------      -------   ------------
      2000        2000-50=1950   2000+49=2049   00        2000
                                                49        2049
                                                50        1950
                                                99        1999

      2005        2005-50=1955   2005+49=2054   00        2000
                                                49        1949
                                                50        2050
                                                99        1999

Examples from within a REXX program:

runtime=timediff('20001231 01:00:00 20001231 02:00:00')
diff=timediff('20001231 01:00:00 20001231 02:00:00','MET')
say timediff('01/11/00 01:00:00 2000-01-11 02:00:00')
say timediff('05/11/50 14:00:00 2000/05/11 14:00:00','DAYS')
'EXEC TIMEDIFF 12/05/84 08:30:00 1999/12/05 = (DAYS'

/* Epilog ***********************************************************
 * Function      - Provide hours, minutes and seconds difference    *
 *                 between two times.  Years between 1942 and       *
 *                 2041 supported.                                  *
 * Component of  - N/A                                              *
 * Command format- See Explain routine above.                       *
 *                                                                  *
 * Called by     - Anyone.                                          *
 * Dependencies  - CSL calls.                                       *
 * Program Lang. - CMS REXX                                         *
 * Date Written  - 07/11/86                                         *
 * Author        - Mike Walter, Art Payne                           *
 *               - Most of the CSL setup was provided courtesy of   *
 *                 P.D. Breneman (Doug) from IBM.                   *
 * Changed  | By | Change Description                               *
 * ---------+----+---+--------------------------------------------- *
 * 01/22/90  mrw - Original version                                 *
 * 20000106  mrw - Update for Y2K, V2.1 (change to CSL call).       *
 * 20000107  mrw - Correct support for ISO dates.                   *
 * 20000111  mrw - Add examples to Explain subroutine.              *
 * 20020124  mrw - Make hh, mm, ss= 00 when both dates/times equal. *
 * 20090501  mrw - In "Exit:" add 'todo' code, when rc<>0 and     . *
 *                 ?function call, display args and Return w/o args *
 *                                                                  *

"Quay, Jonathan (IHG)" <jonathan.q...@ihg.com> 

Sent by: "The IBM z/VM Operating System" <IBMVM@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU>
07/26/2010 10:48 AM
Please respond to
"The IBM z/VM Operating System" <IBMVM@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU>


Re: zVM Performance Toolkit: Can I record/report CPU by userid using 10 
minutes interval?

Also take a look at using a Rexx routine to compute time differences using 
the CMS Multitasking
CSL call "DateTimeSubtract".  See z/VM CMS Application Multitasking for 
your release of VM for formats and identifiers. 

From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [mailto:ib...@listserv.uark.edu] On 
Behalf Of Kris Buelens
Sent: Monday, July 26, 2010 11:19 AM
Subject: Re: zVM Performance Toolkit: Can I record/report CPU by userid 
using 10 minutes interval?
Converting the time:
   DateConv 5.8 TODABS REXXS Timeout'

2010/7/26 Michel Beaulieu <beaulieumic...@live.ca>
Good Day, 
Thanks for the feedback from both of you. 
You gave me useful tips that I can act upon. 
This week I will experiment with the following approach: 
The settings will be changed to have extended summary data saved 
to "systemid FCXSUMMnn" on a 10 minutes interval.
I will copy and rename these files regularly on another minidisk. 
That will become some kind of extended archive. 
I want to stay away from processing raw monitor data as much as possible.
Later I will be able to get other fields information besides CPU seconds 
Then, I will see what I can extract using REXX and/or PIPELINE
to extract information from 'FC41' records (by userid) and 'FC42' records 
(by user class). 
I already have the REXX code to convert simple floating point fields. 
I will have to find or create some code to convert the TOD field. (That 
should not be too hard)
I will keep you and this list informed on my progress. 
Michel Beaulieu
Montreal, Canada

Date: Mon, 26 Jul 2010 07:18:09 -0500
From: framaek...@ailife.com
Subject: Re: zVM Performance Toolkit: Can I record/report CPU by userid 
using 10 minutes interval?

I do this simply with VMUTIL, using PIPE VMC pipeid CPU | STEM FCX100. ?

Frank M. Ramaekers Jr.

From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [mailto:ib...@listserv.uark.edu] On 
Behalf Of Michel Beaulieu
Sent: Friday, July 23, 2010 2:47 PM
Subject: zVM Performance Toolkit: Can I record/report CPU by userid using 
10 minutes interval?
Good day, 
I am trying to do something that seems to me a good challenge to do with 
z/VM performance toolkit. 
The end result that I want to have is a set of records for a selected 
number of userids. 
Each record would be for a 10 minutes interval.
yyyymmdd hhmm userid cpusec 
That means I would create 24 x 6 = 144  records per day per virtual 
Accumulating that over many months, I can load that data in my favorite 
and do all kind of numerical analysis. 
I am trying to use z/VM Performance Toolkit to help me to do that and I am 
The best I could do was to use plotvar with trend files.
However, that is too much aggregated for my need. 
I welcome your suggestions.
Michel Beaulieu
Montreal, Canada
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