You could always loop while trying to mount a tape. When it is mounted, 
RMSMASTR is ready.:-)

In reality, the tape manager should be able to wait to open the interface until 
RMSMASTR is ready. Here, we have both a VTS, controlled by RMSMASTR, and 2 
SL3000s, controlled by STKACS, and some tapes that are outside the silos. 
VMTAPE manages to initialize before RMSMASTR is ready and is quite happy adding 
the VTS to its stable when it is ready.

If you really need to insure that RMSMASTR is running, you need an Observer or 
a Secuser of it that looks for the message FSMSMS3203I RMSMASTR is running. 

Richard Schuh 


> -----Original Message-----
> From: The IBM z/VM Operating System 
> [] On Behalf Of Alain Benveniste
> Sent: Wednesday, July 28, 2010 11:40 AM
> Subject: RMSMASTR : ready or not
> Looking back to my autolog2 profile, I found not much pretty 
> to xautolog rmsmastr and sleep 30 sec to xautolog products 
> they require tape mounts.
> Rather than that I thought to trap a message that says in 
> substance "rmsmastr is ready, the tapes drives are there...". 
> Or "rmsmastr did not found a drive to initialize library ABC123...". 
> What could I test to be sure of its good initialization ?
> Alain

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