On Thursday, 08/12/2010 at 05:14 EDT, Jim Bohnsack <jab...@cornell.edu> 
> Why should changing the SYSTEM NETID on 190 have to be disruptive?  Make
> the change to that file only and do a SAVESYS CMS.  To keep things in
> step, copy the new SYSTEM NETID to 490 with OLDD.  Anything that's using
> SYSTEM NETID will still be seeing the "old" info but that old file
> relates to the system in use at the moment.

He said DDR, which is disruptive to the 190 disk.  Error 3 reading file.

Alan Altmark
z/VM Development
IBM Endicott

Psssst.  Hey, Buddy.  Over here.  No, over *here*.  It' me.  Yes, you know 
who.  Wanna know a secret?  They (please, no names) are planning to update 
PUT2PROD in the next release to update production disks by using the 
technique you describe.  I overheard them at the water cooler.  Then they 
started talking about quantum-correlated twin photons and LGR.  Whatever 
that is, it sounds kul.  Bye.

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