
About a year ago I have one problem installing zVM 5.4  (native LPAR), into
a Customer site.
The problem was with the HMC keyboard: impossible to use the "Slash key".
Yes, no "/" available. No spare keyboard, no corrections found,  no
keyboard setup available, etc.
The installation process needs to specify "/cpdvd" to start the
The circumvention was copy the DVD to another, directly into the root,
without the folder "cpdvd". After it, the installation was done normally,
without specify any directory.
My question: why to put the data on a "unnecessary" folder, inserting one
"point-of-fault"? Can you ask the development guys?
Thanks a lot.

Regards, Abraços,

| From:      |
  |Alan Altmark <>                                       
| To:        |
| Date:      |
  |31/08/2010 17:25                                                             
| Subject:   |
  |Re: Electronic Delivery - DDR or DVD?                                        
| Sent by:   |
  |The IBM z/VM Operating System <IBMVM@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU>                      

On Tuesday, 08/31/2010 at 09:54 EDT, George Henke/NYLIC
<> wrote:
> I have done as you said and here are the instructions.  I have bolded the
> in question.  The instructions call for selecting DDR.  Then the
> at the bottom for installing from FTP Server, Chapter 7, Step 3 of Guide
> Automated Installation and Service, call for using the downloaded DVD
> Apparently, we are to download DDR to upload DVD.

Ah, now I understand (I think).

Big Picture:  There are three possible ways to get z/VM:
1. On DVD by ordering "z/VM System Image DVD" on 3590 or 3592. (Huh?)
Don't worry - you won't receive a tape, just a DVD.
2. Electronically, by ordering "z/VM 3390 System DDR" using Internet
delivery.  But don't be fooled by the name!  It is actually a softcopy of
the DVD contents (not an iso file).
3. On tape by ordering "z/VM 3390 System DDR" on 3590 or 3592.  Aha!  You
actually get what you seem to have ordered.

For reasons that are both embarrassing and inexplicable, we do not yet have
the ability to have a single z/VM product (e.g. z/VM V6.1) available in
four different media types (DVD, 3590, 3592, Softcopy).  Progress is
occurring, but it's slow.

If you want to install from FTP using, you order the DDR with electronic
delivery and follow the special instructions included with the order.
Those instructions have you load the softcopy files into your FTP server.
You can also create a DVD from them.

Your completed Shopz order contains links to instructions on how to do
that. (I worry that people don't see them.) If you'd like to see them:

Most people create a DVD so that they have a bootable system recovery disc
"just in case."

We are making efforts to improve the Planning sections of the Automated
Installation book and the post-order instructions so that the above will be
more obvious, with explicit references between the two.

Alan Altmark
z/VM Development
IBM Endicott

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