With regard to your mention of PDF search capability, have you downloaded and 
tried the IBM Advanced Linguistic Search  Plug-in for searching enabled PDFs 
and across PDF extended shelves with the same (or nearly same) search quality 
as BookManager?

PDFs don't give me problems. It's the Info Center stuff that makes me want to 
chew nails.   I have the full Acrobat package and I just index the PDF 
documents and I'm done.  No muss, no fuss and it "just works". Regardless of 
platform, connectivity or what release of Java I happen to have on the machine 
in question. Which none of the other formats can claim, BTW.

With regard to the information center, the biggest contributing factor to the 
organization of the content is that the z/VM library is organized using a book 
methodology and not broken down in such a manner that lends well to article 
based documentation (the information center is article based). I know those who 
work on the z/VM documentation are continuously improving the organization of 
the documentation and have the desire to improve the user experience. Just 
takes time with so few hands.

To be blunt: don't fix it. It ain't broke. Article based docs are inordinately 
hard to use unless you have the same mental map as the author. I have yet to 
find anyone else as demented as I, so that's pretty hard to do.

Aside from that, there are newer versions of the Eclipse subsystem -- that 
drives the heart of the information -- that we continuously evaluate and 
migrated to. These newer versions improve the functionality and speed.

None of that will fix a basic disconnect in how people use the docs. It's just 
lipstick on the pig.

This biggest benefit to producing information centers is that the content can 
be updated much quicker and more easily. If we can round the infrastructure 
bend then enables that, we might see the end of the days where to use version X 
release Y of a product one needs to read the release specific documentation, 
APAR documentation, and possibly a subsequent release documentation (all 
because updates are not easily made between releases or as service is release 
to the service stream).

Ugh. I WANT release-specific docs. You released it at a point in time, and the 
docs should apply ONLY to what you released. I don't want to figure out what 
you've added since you released something - we already have that problem on 
your other platforms, where the same problems noted above apply.

(PERSONAL OPINION) Some exciting functionality I'd like to see in the future 
involves commenting and user contributed documentation. After all, the users 
really know the product and what others would look for the most.  If you'd like 
to see a newer implementation of an information center, navigate to the IBM 
Ration Team Concert information center 
(http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/rtc/v2r0m0/index.jsp). You'll notice 
the organization is much different and the load time is less.

The last thing I want is other people writing in my manual margins. It's hard 
enough figuring out what YOU meant, let alone random yutzes who we don't know 
at all and have no way to evaluate whether they know spit or not. User 
contributed docs are what Redbooks are for, where they get some sane editing 
and some fact checking done before you put your logo on them.

-- db

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