> - Tools to transform BOOK files into reasonable PDFs, even if only a
> meager EXPORT function in BookManager READ.

I have found a decent resource on the web for converting .BOO files to

Online converter: http://ps-2.kev009.com:8081/boo2pdf/
Downloadable converter: http://www.kev009.com/wp/projects/boo2pdf/

Tony Thigpen

-----Original Message -----
 From: Alan Altmark
 Sent: 09/07/2010 03:23 PM
> On Tuesday, 09/07/2010 at 11:25 EDT, Graves Nora E <nora.e.gra...@irs.gov> 
> wrote:
>> I really like the ability to search every book on the bookshelf for the
>> occurrence of what I'm looking up.  I've been known to search the older
>> versions first if the latest versions are only available in PDF (DB2 for
>> z/VM books in particular).  Once I narrow down the search, then I'll go
>> to the latest version of the book to find the current information.
>> IMO, that's one of the things that has made the IBM documentation so
>> much more user-friendly than what is supplied by other vendors.
> That is what I do with the Information Center at 
> http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/zvm/v6r1/index.jsp.  It searches 
> all the books.  I agree that it isn't perfect by any means and, yes, as 
> others have said, some of the VM books have antiquated TOCs that don't do 
> well in an "e-environment," but they suffer in Bookmanager, too.   I don't 
> like going to a section 1.1 only to find that it is a single sentence or 
> tiny paragraph with links to 1.1.1, 1.1.2, and 1.1.3.
> And then some books have the same section titles, which can be confusing. 
> E.g. the TCP/IP User's Guide and the LDAP Admin book both have a section 
> titled "SSL Certificate/Key Management and SSL Tracing Information." But, 
> again, that's nothing specific to Information Center.
> I'm also not a fan of books with Part 1, 2, 3, etc, unlessf you've got a 
> 2000-page book split into multiple PDFs as the IEEE does for large 
> standards.
> I am going to be honest and say that, so far, I haven't seen a compelling 
> reason that IBM should continue to invest in generating BOOK files. What 
> you *have* convinced me of is that a portion of any contemplated savings 
> should be redirected to improvements in:
> - TOC simplification and consistency (avoid useless divisions of 
> information)
> - PDF bookshelf and search enhancements
> -  Better education within the context of the Library on how to 
> effectively access it with available tools.  I mean, I had just learned 
> about the Advanced Linguistic Plug-in a few days before Michael Forte and 
> others posted on the subject..  "Who knew?"
> - A Linux version of the Information Center
> - Better bulk packaging of the Library so that it is easily moved around.
> - New formats for mobile and e-book devices.  There oughtta be an app for 
> that, eh?
> - Tools to transform BOOK files into reasonable PDFs, even if only a 
> meager EXPORT function in BookManager READ.
> and that it might be good to have some of these addressed before BOOKs are 
> removed.
> In the interests of full disclosure, I too use BOOK files and shelves for 
> some of the same reasons as many of you do and am not looking forward to 
> learning new tricks. (woof!!) 
> Alan Altmark
> z/VM Development
> IBM Endicott

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