On Mon, 20 Sep 2010 13:43:55 -0500, David Boyes <dbo...@sinenomine.net> 


>No one has mentioned the super-handy SESSION yet. SESSION allows you to 

define and manage LDEV sessions from a existing CMS logon (if on the same
system). I don't think it would be terrifically hard to add the ability t
read the session authentication details from a file to SESSION.
>This is not very much different of what one would get by using a SNA 
>product like supersession. If I remember, Computer Associates used to 

have a product called V-Term
>doing something similar.
>If you're willing to spend money, PVM is very cheap. Several people have
already commented on it.
>If you're going to store PWs in a file, SFS is probably a slightly (note
*slightly*) safer option. Gives you a bit more granular access control.
RXLDEV may even be a better option.  The "latest" version of RXLDEV that 
know of is at:  http://ukcc.uky.edu/~tools/1998/
(Yes, the last Tools "Tape" from the last VM Workshop!)

From the RXLDEV Help file:

RXLDEV is a REXX function which provides an interface to the CP Logical
Device Support Facility.  Using RXLDEV, a REXX EXEC manipulates logical
terminals and logical printers which appear as real devices to host  
applications.  Logical device printers can be attached to VTAM or RSCS,
or can be enabled for use as CP local copy printers.  Logical terminals
can be used to signon to VM or other applications and are completely  
controlled by the REXX EXEC using RXLDEV.           

Dale R. Smith

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