The directory is something else that can get out of sync.

One method is to copy the new CPLOAD MODULE to the parm disk as CPNEW MODULE. 
From the HMC, enter the address of the console into the Load Parm field and 
IPL. When the SALIPL screen is displayed, enter CPNEW as the load module name 
and press PF10. At this point fallback is to simply re-IPL the system. Some 
time after the IPL, you can rename CPLOAD MODULE to CPOLD MODULE and CPNEW to 
CPLOAD. Fallback is to simply repeat the HMC ipl, specifying CPOLD as the 
module name. Alternatively, if you have a running system, you can change the 
names back to CPNEW and CPLOAD and then ipl.

Richard Schuh

From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [] On Behalf 
Of Michael Coffin
Sent: Monday, October 18, 2010 2:16 PM
Subject: Re: *Rolling IPL* Style Migration

Hi George,

If you are only using z/VM as a hypervisor for Linux guests (or otherwise don't 
have an active CMS user community) this will work.  If you have servers (e.g. 
DB2, SFS, etc.) and/or end-users that are updating CMS files - you have to keep 
in mind that those will get out of sync on your 2nd level system right after 
the spindles are copied.  If you have directory maintenance products (e.g. 
VM:Secure, DIRMAINT,etc.) and/or an ESM (e.g. VM:Secure, RACF, etc.) these 
products will also get out of sync, so find a way to ensure they stay 
synchronized between first and 2nd level systems.


From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [] On Behalf 
Of George Henke/NYLIC
Sent: Monday, October 18, 2010 4:53 PM
Subject: *Rolling IPL* Style Migration

I have no extra disk, no tape, but still need a fallback, I am thinking of 
implementing the following strategy to put maintenance into production and 
would appreciate it, if someone could find something wrong.

My 2d Level is a mirror of 1st Level except for VOLSERs which are unique.

I apply maintenance to 2d Level.

Maintenance hits 5 SDFs, among them, CMS.

At cutover:  I simply point to the 2d Level RES and IPL it from the HMC.

I bring up what was the 1st Level at 2d Level, after making the appropriate 
VOLSER changes for the 2d Level machine in the 1st Level Directory.

I  then have my prevous 1st Level machine at 2d Level as a fallback, if need be.

When I am ready to install a new version or put on more maintenance,, I DDR the 
1st Level disks to the 2d Level, and bgin the process all over again.

Aside from losing the 1st Level Spool files whenever I do this, I see no other 

I suppose I could always connect the 2d Level and 1st Level Spools with RSCS so 
I do not have that problem.

I could also use Dave Jones, *handy dandy* SFB utility to copy the Spool files 
to CMS and then  restore them to the new 1st Level system.

But aside from this weakness, I see no other reason why this should not work.

Please, someone, let me know if you do.

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