Thank you very much, Alan.

I really did everything by the book, RC=0 on everything including the 

I just do not understand why CP still says 0802 for my CPLEVEL.

I looked at $VMFP2P $MSGLOG and $VMFSRV $MSGLOG and everything looks good.

It does not seem that SES even tried to update the CPLEVEL on HCPCPE AUXVM

The IPL shows the old Service Level but the current date/time stamp.

                19:09:15 z/VM  V5 R4.0  SERVICE LEVEL 0802 (64-BIT)     
        19:09:16 SYSTEM NUCLEUS CREATED ON 2010-10-14 AT 12:05:41, LOADED 

It is the same whether I IPL from CF1 or CF2, but CF3 shows the 2 year old 

I did run Service and P2P 3 times once for the RSU, once for the COR for 
the 3 z196 compatibility APARs, and finally once again for the PSPs.

I did IPL between the 3 Service sessions.

SERVICE ALL STATUS shows these APARs were applied, built, and PUT2PROD.

service all status vm64798   
VMFSRV2760I SERVICE processing started 
VMFSRV1226I CP (5VMCPR40%CP) APAR VM64798 (PTF UM33151) status: 
VMFSRV1226I    RECEIVED  10/14/10 12:02:44 
VMFSRV1226I    APPLIED   10/14/10 12:03:24  
VMFSRV1226I    BUILT     10/14/10 12:06:15 
VMFSRV1226I    PUT2PROD  10/14/10 12:23:28 
VMFSRV2760I SERVICE processing completed successfully 
service all status vm64879   
VMFSRV2760I SERVICE processing started 
VMFSRV1226I CP (5VMCPR40%CP) APAR VM64879 (PTF UM33171) status: 
VMFSRV1226I    RECEIVED  10/14/10 12:02:44 
VMFSRV1226I    APPLIED   10/14/10 12:03:24                           
VMFSRV1226I    BUILT     10/14/10 12:06:15 
VMFSRV1226I    PUT2PROD  10/14/10 12:23:28 
VMFSRV2760I SERVICE processing completed successfully
service all status vm64881    
VMFSRV2760I SERVICE processing started 
VMFSRV1226I CP (5VMCPR40%CP) APAR VM64881 (PTF UM33183) status: 
VMFSRV1226I    RECEIVED  10/14/10 12:02:44 
VMFSRV1226I    APPLIED   10/14/10 12:03:24 
VMFSRV1226I    BUILT     10/14/10 12:06:15 
VMFSRV1226I    PUT2PROD  10/14/10 12:23:28 
VMFSRV2760I SERVICE processing completed successfully 

But that is no assurance that I am running with them.

PTFs did get applied and I do see the correct SES envelop fn's in $MSGLOG, 
so I know I did not just rerun with the old SERVLINK.
Is there anyway of mapping CPLOAD so I can be sure that I will really be 
IPLing with these APARs when the z196 arrives?.

Alan Altmark <> 
Sent by: The IBM z/VM Operating System <IBMVM@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU>
10/20/2010 04:37 PM
Please respond to


Re: RSU or PSU?

On Wednesday, 10/20/2010 at 02:06 EDT, George Henke/NYLIC 
<> wrote:

> The Service Guide talks of a PSU (Product Service Upgrade), not an RSU. 
> Was this a PSU and not an RSU? 
> Then why does SHOPZ call it an RSU, even Stacked 5407 RSU?

"PSU" is a *procedure* that you use to apply the Recommended Service 
Upgrade (RSU).  See Chapter 2 of the Service Guide.  (IMO, it doesn't 
deserve an abbreviation.)

The term "stacked RSU" is historical.  Back in VM/ESA Version 2 the RSU 
for each component (CP, CMS, TCP/IP, etc.) was orderable separately in 
addition to a "stacked" RSU that contained all of the most recent 
component RSUs.  In z/VM V3, individual component RSUs were dropped, but 
the "stacked" moniker persisted.

My friends in Development will take it under advisement that perhaps it is 

time to retire the term "stacked" as it adds no value.  "RSU" and "stacked 

RSU" are the same thing now days.   As a reminder, is your friend.

Alan Altmark

z/VM and Linux on System z Consultant
IBM System Lab Services and Training 
office: 607.429.3323
IBM Endicott

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