Here is the VMFBLD with VMBLD1851I highlighted:

****  PPFNAME: SERVP2P  COMPNAME: CP               BLDID: 5VMCPR40  **** 
****            Date: 10/15/10            Time: 17:54:10            **** 
ST:            SERVICED 
ST:VMFBLD2760I VMFBLD processing started 
ST:VMFUTL2205I Minidisk|Directory Assignments: 
ST:            String    Mode  Stat  Vdev  Label/Directory 
ST:VMFUTL2205I LOCALMOD  E      R/W  2C4   MNT2C4 
ST:VMFUTL2205I LOCALSAM  F      R/W  2C2   MNT2C2 
ST:VMFUTL2205I APPLY     G      R/W  2A6   MNT2A6 
ST:VMFUTL2205I           H      R/W  2A4   MNT2A4 
ST:VMFUTL2205I           I      R/W  2A2   MNT2A2 
ST:VMFUTL2205I DELTA     J      R/W  2D2   MNT2D2 
ST:VMFUTL2205I BUILD7    K      R/W  493   MNT493 
ST:VMFUTL2205I BUILD6    L      R/W  490   MNT490 
ST:VMFUTL2205I BUILD5    M      R/W  19D   MNT19D 
ST:VMFUTL2205I BUILD9    N      R/W  402   MNT402 
ST:VMFUTL2205I BASE2     O      R/W  194   MNT194 
ST:VMFUTL2205I --------  A      R/W  191   MNT191 
ST:VMFUTL2205I --------  B      R/W  5E5   MNT5E5 
ST:VMFUTL2205I --------  C      R/W  2CC   MNT2CC 
ST:VMFUTL2205I --------  D      R/W  51D   MNT51D 
ST:VMFUTL2205I --------  S      R/O  190   MNT190 
ST:VMFUTL2205I --------  T      R/W  500   MNT500 
ST:VMFUTL2205I --------  Y/S    R/O  19E   MNT19E 
ST:VMFSIP2453I Table 5VMCPR40 SRVAPPS I is a subset of table 5VMCPR40 
ST:            SRVAPPS G 
ST:VMFBLD1851I Reading build lists 
ST:VMFBLD2182I Identifying new build requirements 
ST:VMFBLD2182I No new build requirements identified 
ST:VMFBLD1851I Cannot process HCPRP EXEC because it is flagged to be 
ST:            bypassed 
ST:VMFBLD1851I (1 of 7) VMFBDCOM processing HCPBLSRC EXEC O, target is 
ST:            BUILD7 493 (K) 
ST:VMFBDC2219I Processing object =.PLXCOPY 
ST:VMFBLD1851I (1 of 7) VMFBDCOM completed with return code 0 
ST:VMFBLD1851I (2 of 7) VMFBDMLB processing HCPOM1 EXC33092 J, target is 
ST:            BUILD7 493 (K) 
ST:VMFMLB2219I Processing object HCPEDEV 
ST:VMFMLB2219I Processing object HCPSCFBK 
ST:VMFMLB2220I Updating service history member for HCPOM1 MACLIB 
ST:VMFBLD1851I (2 of 7) VMFBDMLB completed with return code 0 
ST:VMFBLD1851I (3 of 7) VMFBDCOM processing HCPBLHLP EXEC O, target is 
ST:            BUILD5 19D (M) 
ST:VMFBDC2219I Processing object =.HELPCPSE 
ST:VMFBLD1851I (3 of 7) VMFBDCOM completed with return code 0 
ST:VMFBLD1851I (4 of 7) VMFBDCOM processing HCPBLUCE EXEC O, target is 
ST:            BUILD9 402 (N) 
ST:VMFBDC2219I Processing object =.HELPCPSE 
ST:VMFBLD1851I (4 of 7) VMFBDCOM completed with return code 0 
ST:VMFBLD1851I (5 of 7) VMFBDMOD processing HCPXLOAD EXEC O, target is 
ST:            BUILD7 493 (K) 
ST:VMFBDM2219I Processing object CPSYNCHK.MODULE 
ST:VMFBLD1851I (5 of 7) VMFBDMOD completed with return code 0 
ST:VMFBLD1851I (6 of 7) VMFBDNUC processing CPLOAD EXC33151 J, target is 
ST:            BUILD7 493 (K) 
ST:VMFBLD1851I (6 of 7) VMFBDNUC completed with return code 0 
ST:VMFBLD1851I (7 of 7) VMFBDSBR processing HCPSBHLP EXEC O, target is 
ST:            BUILD7 493 (K) 
BD:VMFSBR2000I Objects in segment build list HCPSBHLP EXEC have been 
BD:            built or deleted. Any segments using this build list will 
BD:            have to be rebuilt. 
ST:VMFBLD1851I (7 of 7) VMFBDSBR completed with return code 0 
BD:VMFBLD2180I There are 0 build requirements remaining 
ST:VMFBLD2760I VMFBLD processing completed successfully 

FILEL of MNT2D2 accessed as J:

CPLOAD   EXC33151 J2 F         80       1756         35  8/30/10 12:33:02 

Mike Walter <> 
Sent by: The IBM z/VM Operating System <IBMVM@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU>
10/20/2010 05:32 PM
Please respond to


Re: RSU or PSU?

You may be getting closer... (or I could be leading you in the entirely 
wrong direction). 
But you are ruling out possible causes. 

Our last production VMFBLD updated the $VMFBLD $MSGLOG A with: 

****  PPFNAME: ZVMOR    COMPNAME: CP               BLDID: 5VMCPR40  **** 
****            Date: 04/11/10            Time: 13:07:28            **** 
T:            ALL 
T:VMFBLD2760I VMFBLD processing started 
T:VMFUTL2205I Minidisk|Directory Assignments: 
T:            String    Mode  Stat  Vdev  Label/Directory 
T:VMFUTL2205I LOCALMOD  F      R/W  2C4   MNT2C4 
T:VMFUTL2205I LOCALSAM  G      R/W  2C2   MNT2C2 
T:VMFUTL2205I APPLY     H      R/W  2A6   COB2AB                           

T:VMFUTL2205I           I      R/W  2A4   MNT2A4 
T:VMFUTL2205I           J      R/W  2A2   COB2A2 
T:VMFUTL2205I DELTA     K      R/W  2D2   COB2D2 
T:VMFUTL2205I BUILD7    L      R/W  493   MNT493 
T:VMFUTL2205I BUILD6    M      R/O  490   MNT490 
T:VMFUTL2205I BUILD5    N      R/O  19D   54Z19D 
T:VMFUTL2205I BUILD9    O      R/W  402   MNT402 
ST:VMFUTL2205I BUILD9    O      R/W  402   MNT402 
ST:VMFUTL2205I BASE2     P      R/W  194   MNT194 
ST:VMFUTL2205I --------  A      R/W  191   MNT191 
ST:VMFUTL2205I --------  B      R/W  5E5   MNT5E5 
ST:VMFUTL2205I --------  C      R/W  2CC   MNT2CC 
ST:VMFUTL2205I --------  D      R/W  51D   MNT51D 
ST:VMFUTL2205I --------  S      R/O  190   MNT190 
ST:VMFUTL2205I --------  Y/S    R/O  DIR   AUD01:MAINT.YDISK 
ST:VMFBLD1851I Reading build lists 
ST:VMFBLD2182I Identifying new build requirements 
ST:VMFBLD2182I New build requirements identified                          
ST:VMFBLD1851I (1 of 1) VMFBDNUC processing CPLOAD EXC32894 K, target is 
ST:            BUILD7 493 (L)   

What does your "ST:VMFBLD1851I (1 of 1) VMFBDNUC processing CPLOAD" show? 

Mike Walter
Aon Hewitt
The opinions expressed herein are mine alone, not my employer's. 

"George Henke/NYLIC" <> 

Sent by: "The IBM z/VM Operating System" <IBMVM@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU> 
10/20/2010 04:17 PM 

Please respond to
"The IBM z/VM Operating System" <IBMVM@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU>


Re: RSU or PSU?

I notice my CPLOAD $NUCEXEC (See below)  with a current Date/Time stamp 

00184         &1 &2 &3 HCPCPE TXTRSU05 

Trying to find where HCPCPE TXTRSU05 is and what it contains. 

I did 3 P2Ps so all 3 CF's have been updated: 

   CPLOAD   MODULE   M1 V      65535        149       2364 2010-10-15 
   CPLOAD   MODULE   N1 V      65535        149       2364 2010-10-15 
   CPLOLD   MODULE   M1 V      65535        149       2363 2010-10-14 
   CPLOLD   MODULE   N1 V      65535        149       2363 2010-10-14 
   CPLOAD   MODULE   O1 V      65535        149       2363 2010-10-14 
   CPLOLD   MODULE   O1 V      65535        149       2363 2010-10-14 

These CF's are from the Level 1 DDR of 540RES. 
I have not changed them since. 

q mdisk cf1 loc                                                         
TargetID Tdev OwnerID  Odev Dtype Vol-ID Rdev   StartLoc       Size     
MAINT    0CF1 MAINT    0CF1 3390  54XRES 125B         39        120     
Ready; T=0.01/0.01 17:12:19                                             
q mdisk cf2 loc                                                         
TargetID Tdev OwnerID  Odev Dtype Vol-ID Rdev   StartLoc       Size     
MAINT    0CF2 MAINT    0CF2 3390  54XRES 125B        159        120     
Ready; T=0.01/0.01 17:12:23                                             
q mdisk cf3 loc                                                         
TargetID Tdev OwnerID  Odev Dtype Vol-ID Rdev   StartLoc       Size     
MAINT    0CF3 MAINT    0CF3 3390  54XRES 125B        279        120     

        CPLOAD   $NUCEXEC A1  F 80  Trunc=80 Size=1720 Line=180 Col=1 
00180         &1 &2 &3 HCPCNL TEXT  
00181         &1 &2 &3 HCPCPA TEXT  
00182         &1 &2 &3 HCPCPC TEXT  
00183         &1 &2 &3 HCPCPD TEXT     
00184         &1 &2 &3 HCPCPE TXTRSU05           
00185         &1 &2 &3 HCPCPG TXT32894  
00186         &1 &2 &3 HCPCPO TEXT  
00187         &1 &2 &3 HCPCPV TEXT  
00188         &1 &2 &3 HCPCPW TEXT  
00189         &1 &2 &3 HCPCQE TEXT  
00190         &1 &2 &3 HCPCQO TEXT  
00191         &1 &2 &3 HCPCQT TEXT  
00192         &1 &2 &3 HCPCRA TEXT  
00193         &1 &2 &3 HCPCRC TEXT  
00194         &1 &2 &3 HCPCRL TEXT  
00195         &1 &2 &3 HCPCRM TEXT  
00196         &1 &2 &3 HCPCRP TEXT  
00197         &1 &2 &3 HCPCRR TEXT  
00198         &1 &2 &3 HCPCRS TEXT  
00199         &1 &2 &3 HCPCRT TEXT  
00200         &1 &2 &3 HCPCSE TEXT     

Mike Walter <> 
Sent by: The IBM z/VM Operating System <IBMVM@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU> 
10/20/2010 05:05 PM 

Please respond to


Re: RSU or PSU?


If you LINK and ACCESS each of your CF1, CF2, and CF3 disks on 54XRES, and 

What response do you get?  If you see the CPLOAD MODULE with the same date 

and time as the IPL message, but still SLU 0802 it may shed more light on 
this situation.

And for each CF1, CF2, and CF3 disk, what do you get from: CP QUERY MDISK 
CFx LOCation

Mike Walter
Aon Hewitt
The opinions expressed herein are mine alone, not my employer's.

"George Henke/NYLIC" <> 

Sent by: "The IBM z/VM Operating System" <IBMVM@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU>
10/20/2010 03:54 PM
Please respond to
"The IBM z/VM Operating System" <IBMVM@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU>


Re: RSU or PSU?

Thank you very much, Alan. 

I really did everything by the book, RC=0 on everything including the 

I just do not understand why CP still says 0802 for my CPLEVEL. 

I looked at $VMFP2P $MSGLOG and $VMFSRV $MSGLOG and everything looks good. 

It does not seem that SES even tried to update the CPLEVEL on HCPCPE AUXVM 

The IPL shows the old Service Level but the current date/time stamp. 

              19:09:15 z/VM  V5 R4.0  SERVICE LEVEL 0802 (64-BIT) 

      19:09:16 SYSTEM NUCLEUS CREATED ON 2010-10-14 AT 12:05:41, LOADED 

It is the same whether I IPL from CF1 or CF2, but CF3 shows the 2 year old 


I did run Service and P2P 3 times once for the RSU, once for the COR for 
the 3 z196 compatibility APARs, and finally once again for the PSPs. 

I did IPL between the 3 Service sessions. 

SERVICE ALL STATUS shows these APARs were applied, built, and PUT2PROD. 

service all status vm64798 
VMFSRV2760I SERVICE processing started 
VMFSRV1226I CP (5VMCPR40%CP) APAR VM64798 (PTF UM33151) status: 
VMFSRV1226I    RECEIVED  10/14/10 12:02:44 
VMFSRV1226I    APPLIED   10/14/10 12:03:24 
VMFSRV1226I    BUILT     10/14/10 12:06:15 
VMFSRV1226I    PUT2PROD  10/14/10 12:23:28 
VMFSRV2760I SERVICE processing completed successfully 
service all status vm64879 
VMFSRV2760I SERVICE processing started 
VMFSRV1226I CP (5VMCPR40%CP) APAR VM64879 (PTF UM33171) status: 
VMFSRV1226I    RECEIVED  10/14/10 12:02:44 
VMFSRV1226I    APPLIED   10/14/10 12:03:24 
VMFSRV1226I    BUILT     10/14/10 12:06:15 
VMFSRV1226I    PUT2PROD  10/14/10 12:23:28 
VMFSRV2760I SERVICE processing completed successfully 
service all status vm64881 
VMFSRV2760I SERVICE processing started 
VMFSRV1226I CP (5VMCPR40%CP) APAR VM64881 (PTF UM33183) status: 
VMFSRV1226I    RECEIVED  10/14/10 12:02:44 
VMFSRV1226I    APPLIED   10/14/10 12:03:24 
VMFSRV1226I    BUILT     10/14/10 12:06:15 
VMFSRV1226I    PUT2PROD  10/14/10 12:23:28 
VMFSRV2760I SERVICE processing completed successfully 

But that is no assurance that I am running with them. 

PTFs did get applied and I do see the correct SES envelop fn's in $MSGLOG, 

so I know I did not just rerun with the old SERVLINK. 
Is there anyway of mapping CPLOAD so I can be sure that I will really be 
IPLing with these APARs when the z196 arrives?. 

Alan Altmark <> 
Sent by: The IBM z/VM Operating System <IBMVM@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU> 
10/20/2010 04:37 PM 

Please respond to


Re: RSU or PSU?

On Wednesday, 10/20/2010 at 02:06 EDT, George Henke/NYLIC 
<> wrote:

> The Service Guide talks of a PSU (Product Service Upgrade), not an RSU. 
> Was this a PSU and not an RSU? 
> Then why does SHOPZ call it an RSU, even Stacked 5407 RSU?

"PSU" is a *procedure* that you use to apply the Recommended Service 
Upgrade (RSU).  See Chapter 2 of the Service Guide.  (IMO, it doesn't 
deserve an abbreviation.)

The term "stacked RSU" is historical.  Back in VM/ESA Version 2 the RSU 
for each component (CP, CMS, TCP/IP, etc.) was orderable separately in 
addition to a "stacked" RSU that contained all of the most recent 
component RSUs.  In z/VM V3, individual component RSUs were dropped, but 
the "stacked" moniker persisted.

My friends in Development will take it under advisement that perhaps it is 

time to retire the term "stacked" as it adds no value.  "RSU" and "stacked 

RSU" are the same thing now days.   As a reminder, is your friend.

Alan Altmark

z/VM and Linux on System z Consultant
IBM System Lab Services and Training 
office: 607.429.3323
IBM Endicott

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