Been there, done that, got the T-shirt!

On 10/21/10 2:02 PM, "George Henke/NYLIC" <> wrote:

Hold everything, I think Mike just led me to the problem.

I believe I uploaded a COR file from my desktop  instead of the 5407RSU file 
downloaded from SHOPZ.

The difference in attributes is a "dead giveaway":

9357956P SHIPTFSS T1 F      1024      13790      3448  9/23/10 17:34:59         
                What I uploaded
5402RSU1 SERVLINK T1 V     65535    1118126      29466 12/05/08 10:40:44        
         Previous 5402 RSU

And looking at my download folder on my desktop SHIPRSU1 has been left behind 

Really sorry for wasting everyone's time such a stupid mistake.

But thank you all for all your help.

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