On Thu, 21 Oct 2010 14:23:12 -0400 (EDT), Rick Barlow wrote:
> I am looking for someone who can point me to a reference that might help me
> to modify a USSMSG10 screen that is coded using screen buffer locations.
> Before anyone comments on still having VTAM on VM, let me say that the
> reason we are doing this is to add a message to the screen to inform the
> users that VTAM is going away - soon.  I know that the declarations probably
> include a 3270 data stream command and a location within the screen buffer.
> I am trying to locate documentation that might help.  I am including a brief
> code snippet.
>   DC X'11C14F1D60'                       Line  2 Col   1 Normal
>   DC C'@'
>   DC X'11C16F'                           Line  2 Col  32
> *
>   DC X'11C2F7'                           Line  3 Col  24
> Can anyone point me to documentation or a possible contact who might be able
> to steer me in the right direction?

Hello, Rick.  I think maybe what you want is the 3270 data stream reference.
Try this link:


I made a local modification to the SAPL a few years ago that included
customizing the screen to add a new field, and I think this is the
manual that I used.

  .''`.     Stephen Powell    
 : :'  :
 `. `'`

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