I,m not sure if it is the same problem I saw.
The msg isn't clear:

DTCIPW2521E Insufficient virtual addresses available
Explanation: IPWIZARD requires that there be enough contiguous virtual
addresses available for all of the real addresses used by the device being
System Action: Command processing stops.
User Response: Free some virtual devices, or reallocate them such that
there are a sufficient number of contiguous addresses available for the
device being configured.

My solution, when I saw it: LOGOFF/LOGON and tryed again.


| From:      |
  |Leon Buitendag <leon.buiten...@sita.co.za>                                   
| To:        |
| Date:      |
  |02/11/2010 04:34                                                             
| Subject:   |
| Sent by:   |
  |The IBM z/VM Operating System <IBMVM@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU>                      

Hi all, I’am busy installing z/VM 5.4 for the first time and when trying to
perform the IPWIZARD function I get the following error: DTCPIPW2521E
Insufficient virtual addresses available. Anybody got an idea on how to
solve this.



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