In essence, we will be breaking the connections  with the main system at a time 
not previously disclosed to us, and will not be allowed to go back to it or 
reference anything on it for the duration of the test. We will have to resync 
the dasd after the test has been completed. The main system will stay up and 
running so that those who are not part of the test can continue working. Far 
from defeating the purpose of the test, which is to demonstrate that we can get 
the BRP system up and fully functional in x hours (x has yet to be determined, 
but it will be fairly small, without reverting to using the main system to help 
in any way.

With the tape backup system, x used to be 24; however, it was trimmed to be 
only 12 and we demonstrated that it could not be done in that time frame. The 
restore of our (VSSI) VTAPE library, which is not tiny, did not complete during 
the window. It had been running for almost 8 hours and was only about half done 
when the window closed.

We just got confirmation that the current configuration at the DR site has not 
been kept up to date. :-( That is a problem we do not expect to have if we are 
replicating the dasd.

Richard Schuh

From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [] On Behalf 
Of Quay, Jonathan (IHG)
Sent: Thursday, November 11, 2010 10:51 AM
Subject: Re: BRP

If you can't snap off a copy what are you going to do during a test?  Stop 
replicating?  Kind of defeats the purpose.  Anyway, we've never had a problem 
with the vm or linux filesystems.  A lost inode here or there, but that is to 
be expected.

From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [] On Behalf 
Of Schuh, Richard
Sent: Thursday, November 11, 2010 12:05 PM
Subject: Re: BRP

VM is my main concern, we already have multiple copies of TPF at different 
centers. The TPF folks have their own DR requirements, including "no complete 
network outage". We are concerned with the ability to update source and test 
the updates, which requires both VM and Linux, and to run potentially critical 
applications that require VM. z/OS has its own set of requirements which are at 
least partially met by there being running instances of z/OS at each of the 

Our DR site is a CBU LPAR in our other datacenter. The hardware configuration 
is (supposedly, no confirmation as yet) maintained in parallel with our running 
system. Once the DR test starts, we will be allowed no contact with the running 
system and there will be no ability to "snap off" a copy prior to the test - in 
fact, it is expressly forbidden.

Richard Schuh

From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [] On Behalf 
Of Quay, Jonathan (IHG)
Sent: Thursday, November 11, 2010 8:28 AM
Subject: Re: BRP
We also have all EMC dasd.  To guard against application faux pas that are not 
immediately discovered, we maintain 3 copies of TPF at 8 hour intervals (we can 
also bring home our offsite copies, which you need to be able do when a real 
disaster is over).  For DR testing, we snap off point-in-time copies of TPF, 
z/OS, z/VM, and z/Linux (ECKD) dasd.  We bring up TPF under our z/VM at the DR 
site so we can remap devices to correspond with the vendor provided hardware 
environment.  It all works like a charm.  Once the vendor moves our dasd over, 
we IPL z/VM, check the hardware environment, then un-NOLOG TPFPROD, and IPL it. 
 Getting the network switched over takes more time than this, so we wind up 
waiting on them.

From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [] On Behalf 
Of Schuh, Richard
Sent: Wednesday, November 10, 2010 7:51 PM
Subject: BRP

Finally, the powers that be are considering remote shadowing of DASD as the way 
to handle the BRP situation. The time we are allotted to recover the system has 
been reduced to a number that is impossible using tape backups. I would 
appreciate it if anyone who is already doing this would regale me of their 
experiences - what they are doing, what are the gotchas, how satisfied are 
they, etc.

It undoubtedly is different depending on the dasd vendors so here is what we 

*               EMC DASD - about half of our DASD.
*               HDS DASD - the other half.
*               Currently, there is no SCSI, it is all ECKD

We currently have no IBM DASD; however, that does not mean that we will not 
have some in the future. Every couple of years, we go through a DASD refresh, 
at which time we may change vendors.

I will gladly accept replies on or off list. TIA.

Richard Schuh

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